DAY 1: Focus And Balance

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Since I was a young child riding a bike had always been something I wished I could do and wanted to do but since my parents lived in the outskirt of the city, a pretty busy location, I didn't even have the chance to learn and since no one had a bicycle close to us, I didn't stand much chance either.
Telling mom and dad I wanted to learn to ride a bike means telling them to get me a bicycle which wasn't something I wanted to bother them about as a young child and because I am a girl to even say the least, so they might not have really considered that wish of mine so I just let it slide.

Growing up I watched girls and boys my age and even younger riding the bicycle and paddling in a grand style. I admired the confidence when they are riding it, I usually thought what if they fall or something with the speed they put on. I became afraid the more I grew to try riding because of the side talks about sustaining great injuries before one could learn and master how to ride a bicycle.
Though each time I am in the gathering of athletes and those who love sports and activities is being mentioned, riding a bicycle was always part of it and when asked if I could ride, the response was always a no cause I never tried.
This always leaves some of them in awe cause they are like who doesn't know how to ride a bike these days?. Well, that was me and so many others too I believe. I can't possibly be the only one who doesn't know how to ride a bike so I wasn't really bothered with whatever they had to say.


Some years later, my little brother came along. It seems he always gets whatever he wanted and as they say that lastborns are never treated badly so I guess they always get away with almost everything and almost seemingly get whatever they wanted. Right from 1 year of age, my little brother has always been given spectacular gifts and presents on his birthday, and on each birthday dad seems to add more household appliances and get to buy something new for the house.
Things like a new power generator, a player set, a refrigerator, etc.

Fast forward to recently, as my brother also grew older, his love for bicycle riding grew too. He kept them back until one faithful day when he started singing and talking so much about bicycles and wanting one. He even told my dad that if he does very well in school one particular year that dad must gift him a bicycle. Turns out that year he did well but not exceptionally well, and though dad usually thinks about anything before he proceeds, he didn't get him a bicycle. Two more years passed and dad still didn't get him a bicycle.
Until his last birthday, dad surprised him when it seemed all hope was lost.
The birthday gift came earlier, a week before his birthday.
My brother was so excited and couldn't wait to try his new bicycle. He already knew how to ride and we were all surprised he did. Perhaps he usually trains with friends in school and in the neighborhood.

Now I didn't have any excuse not to learn how to ride a bike. We now had a bike at home and someone to teach me too. But I was reluctant and since I am not really the less busy or free person, I didn't consider trying but not until yesterday when I was a bit free in the evening. My mind went back to bicycle riding and I thought about trying.
I told my mom I wanna go train with my little brother in a field close to our house and she said there was no problem.
We got to the field and even before reaching there and getting started, people there already knew I was a learner, I didn't know how to ride a bike lol. That was okay, atleast someone could help me out too alongside my brother.

Focus And Balance

The first idea was to hold the bicycle from the back while I paddle until I was able to do it on my own without anyone helping me out. I was still afraid to, even when someone held the bicycle from the back for me.
I met a kind and nice guy there who told me I didn't have to be afraid though it's normal on my first try. He also shared his experience of his first trial. He told me not to look down when trying to ride, but I should rather maintain my focus, balance, and paddle. He said I shouldn't be conscious of the fact that it was my first time or that I would fall but rather I should look up, never down, and then be focused so that I would be able to do it.

I tried over a thousand times if you ask me lol. And though it took a while before I was able to paddle on my own bit by bit and with no one helping me out behind, I could tell I still haven't gotten my balance yet.
I tried again and again until my hands started aching and my thighs too. So I told my brother I had enough training for one day so we should go and come back some other day to continue. He agreed and commended my first try saying I did well and even the new guy I met complimented me as well and asked a few questions too, so I am guessing the next time we meet, we will relate better.

Meanwhile, my first day of training on how to ride a bicycle wasn't so bad. I mean I could do more than I imagined I would.
I learned the first major factors of bicycle riding; Focus and Balance.
I am hoping the next time I go to training, I will do much better.

Tell me about your first experience with bicycle riding and if you have ever tried it or done such before. What were your challenges and how did you overcome it?

PS: I didn't sustain any injuries or bruises but then I got back with lots of body and joint aches.
I believe it's normal anyway and would go away with time.


I am Waky, multi-talented, and an optimist. I am zealous about life and all it has to either offer me or throw at me. I believe my existence is by grace so I am a product of grace, perfectly portraying my birth name "Abundant Grace". I am the last of my kind because I am unique and special in a dynamic way. HIVE has become my social HOME and SPACE.


To my faithful readers and wonderful sponsors, my heart goes out to you guys. Thank you for making my journey here a fun-filled and exciting one. Thanks for trusting and supporting my work too. I pray that God blesses you all real good :)

               23 May 2022


 2 years ago  

I've always wanted to learn how to ride the bicycle since I was a little girl, but after many attempts,I give up and told myself it wasn't for me. I still wish I can ride now sha😒😒

And I did learn one or two from your story - ALWAYS LOOK UP AND NEVER LOOK DOWN.
This is something we should apply in daily lives too.

Also I feel that, maybe if you had summoned courage then, and told your parents how much you really wanted a Bibycle, maybe you would have gotten one much earlier.

Anyways it's a good thing you tried it out yesterday, keep learning and don't stop riding, one day you might just be an expert.

I enjoyed reading your story dear.
Have a lovely new week.

 2 years ago  

Thank you so much dear.
I really wish to get better at it.

I understand the fear, but I did really listen to my coaches and not look down and it's nice how you applied it to our lives.
Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such awesome comment.

 2 years ago  

You are welcome dearie☺🥰🥰

 2 years ago  

It took me a while to actually climb a bike. was embarrassing after my sister had already started to ride it really well. I get the same look whenever I tell people I don't know how to ride a bike day I decided to sum up courage and try it out, surprisingly, that's the only day I ever climbed a bike, since then I've been either scared I might no be able to ride it or uninterested.

Keep looking up, and get your balance you'll be pretty great at it soon...

Your story is an amazing one..good morning ❤️

 2 years ago  

Lol, looks like I am not alone in this but unlike you, I am looking forward to more training o, I actually love riding even when I was paddling and skipping, and stopping.
It was fun and I can't wait to try again.
Thank you chinco!

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