Memorable Incidents: A Rollercoaster of Life's Mysteries and Dramas

in Hive Learners10 months ago

There are so many incidents did happen in our life, sometimes we do remember and sometimes we don't even bother to remember them. The memories that leave a major impact on our life to remember them for a long time. Like your first girlfriend or even a crush, you are first income, your first salary, your trips with your friends, childhood memory with your family and there are many more. We do remember the first worst part of our life as well.

life is so Mysterious and dramatic at the same time. You can't tell those who are your friends today can become your enemy or rivals tomorrow. It is really hard to predict anything you can't even assume what is gonna happen in the next moment. I am sure we want to have a story to share about this where you must have thought that life is so unfair to me and a lot of things.

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Something that happened to you a few years back when I was in my college days. If I do think now it was nothing but at that time it was like a lot for me because at that time it was going to be a big deal but when I think it now it seems to be nothing. As time passes by we do forget about things it doesn't matter what it is but deep down we all always have good and bad memories that are with us forever.

When I was in my college it was my last semester. We do have to submit a project to pass the practical examination of the last semester. We have to do training and the college gives us 3 to 4 months of time for that. Most of my friends went to metro cities to finish their industrial training their main purpose was to enjoy 😅. But for me it was unaffordable at that time, I was my parents who were studying at that time. It was not possible to send me to a different city for 3 months it would gonna cost a lot of money (which my family was unable to afford at that time).

I was lucky that one of my relatives did arrange or industrial certificate for me where he used to work. I was really great to him for that kindness. I did arrange the certificate but still, I do have to show it. So a few of my friends decide to make something for the project all of the user selected a particular topic so the projects didn't look similar. I used to have a good number of friends in my college days because I was regular to class so people use to contact me for notes before exam time.



They used to make Xerox of my notes, was not that much into studies but I was used to the college days so slowly I did get used to it and I just love to visit college. There was another reason also 🤭🤫. It was fun and good all day. So I used to talk with almost everyone in my class if I do remember it correctly. I used to talk to one of my college friends sometimes about how is trending is going and other stuff. One day he asked me What is your project? I did shed him my project idea and was curious about my project and he was asking a lot of questions related to that. At that time I was not surprised because I thought my project is interesting that and he is taking that much interest. So after a few months, the practical day was near.

Everyone was excited, and one of my known teachers helped me a lot to start and finish my project. Now he is no more here with us but I am really grateful to him for what he has done for me and many other children. I was so excited on the project day, but when it was my turn I was surprised to see that the examiner told me that you have copied this project from that student. I was numb for a moment, I was like what? Then the examiner showed me the project of another student, the concept of the project was almost the same that's why he is saying. When I saw the name of the student on the project then it was surprising for me.

I am sure now you get that why my friend was that much interested in that project on that day so do I. I was like a fool in front of the examiner. Of course, I didn't tell him anything because who is going to believe that will you? So this was my experience where I get cheated. I was lucky that the examiner didn't fail me, he was a good guy in my opinion. He did give me a chance to explain the details of my project honestly I was not in the mood to explain anything properly, but not sure how I did that at the end. What is your story ?

see you in the next post, till then keep learning and keep exploring...

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wish me luck 😅

Thanks a lot for staying till the end 😃🙏, let me know what you think.

Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because what you have someone has a dream of that. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

Thanks a lot for being here, let me know what you think.


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There are always ups and downs in life and it is a very tragic situation that an event you never expected is done by someone you never expected, but these are things that happen in life and I think we should always be prepared for these possibilities. Because the most important thing in life is yourself, if you are good, you will be useful to your surrounding.
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Inasmuch as life goes on and we move forward, there's no arguing the fact that there are moments that can never be forgotten

 10 months ago  

That kind of thing really hurts very much. You made efforts but someone else took the benefit and you became a victim here. I want to know did you say anything to your friend after cheating??