The Filter-Free Journey to Self-Acceptance on Social Media

in Hive Learners11 months ago

Who doesn't want to show themself beautiful, everyone wants that right? If you look over the social media profile sir social media post everyone wants to share their best moments nobody wants to share their worst there. What about you? I do remember when was in college I do waste a lot of time on Facebook one of my teachers who was my Facebook friend back then used to call me sticker man. Girls are used to uploading a lot of stickers when I upload a new pic or if I comment anywhere on Facebook. I did use the fix art application at that time to edit my photos if I do remember clearly.

Now things are changing a lot for me I don't use Facebook anymore it's been more than 4 years. I do have an Instagram account where I do upload photos of nature and anything random that I click suddenly. I don't like to upload my photos I am kind of shy. And I do afraid of camera updates you can say it made me feel awkward. I do have friends on my social media account only those who do know me I don't like to have thousand unknown friends some know friends are better than 1000 unknown friends.

These days we all do see there are those so many filters available on every app even if you don't even have an application your camera does have that you can change while taking selfies or other photos. Snapchat is one of the applications a few of my office colleagues use. Did you share photos or send videos with other friends some filters are kind of funny but it's okay. If you are using the filters to have fun it's okay but if you are using filters to show yourself more beautiful in the online world then things might be not good in my opinion. We should accept the reality of how we are and have we look. Everyone is beautiful in this world whether it's the most beautiful person in the world all the ugliest person in the world. You ask their parents specially their mother she will always love her child doesn't matter how they are.


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I don't take selfies that much because I am a shy kind of person but I do take photos of nature and other stuff I do like to click photos around me sometimes not that much. I don't use any kind of filters taking photos although I do use some editing tools to enhance the color of that particular picture. I do prefer black and white photos rather than colored photos. Not sure why but I like black and white more(everyone does have their choice right 😉).

You are meeting someone online and most probably on a social media platform everyone is useful touch these days there are very few who don't use filters in their profiles. One of my colleagues who talks very much with girls you can say a lot he changes girls like clothes every week. He is doing this for years 🙃. he did approach mostly those girls who want to have a physical relationship (now he is kind of an expert on this) and then that's it they both need the same thing and they don't even bother each other anymore that's good in a way if you didn't get attached to each other.

One day he got a message from a girl on Instagram, he was very happy to see the message he was talking with other girls at the same. But she was from the same town so he decided to talk to her first. One offer colleague did mention that she looks different from her profile in real life. But unfortunately, he didn't listen to him and did talk with him and after a week they decided to meet. My main colleague was excited to meet her they did have voice calls but never had video calls her voice was so sweet, to be honest. My friend went to meet the girl during office hours but he was back within half an hour. Everyone sees that because he took longer than that 😅, usually when he meets some girl.

When he told his side of the story then everyone was laughing at him. The girl has seen him so did he on the social media platform. My friend was wearing a helmet so it is really hard to recognize him on the helmet. But he did recognize the girl easily and he was laughing like crazy. He told us that she looked totally different from what scene looks in her social media profile so I came back without even meeting her 🙄. I think this is the major dropback of using filters this is not the only case we do see.

In my opinion, using filters for fun is good but we should try to be natural and accept how we are that does make us feel more confident and it feels good too. What do you think? It doesn't matter how you show yourself on social media or other platforms but close to you do know the reality. I don't try to avoid this kind of thing mostly my feet everywhere show me natural photos and photography-related posts only because I do voice time mostly so I do try to keep away from the filter lifestyle. Just accept the reality and say no to filters 😉

see you in the next post, till then keep learning and keep exploring...

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wish me luck 😅

Thanks a lot for staying till the end 😃🙏, let me know what you think.

Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because what you have someone has a dream of that. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

Thanks a lot for being here, let me know what you think.


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Thanks & Regards

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 11 months ago  

I am not a fan of selfies and pictures too but i try to take a few to preserve the memories.

Your friend didn't even say hello to the girl? really hilarious😂. The truth remains that we all beautiful just the way we are and filters wouldn't change the reality of life.

 11 months ago  

Your colleague is really funny 😂.
I don't know why people misunderstand the use of filters.

The problem arises when we start seeing the altered versions of ourselves as the real deal, refusing to accept that as humans we're flawed, which is what makes us perfect.
Until we accept this fact, we'll always feel incomplete without the filter.

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 11 months ago  

Reality will expose one day, so why people are trying to use filter to hide the reality.? It's useless. I hardly take selfies except I am in tour. Sometimes I feel socio Media is a gathering of fake people. I almost stopped using social media long ago until it's necessary..


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 11 months ago  

The truth is that we cannot be perfect no matter how we try to so we should not come online and try to make things look so perfect...
Making mistakes is normal...

 11 months ago  

A lot of people are scared of people not accepting them for who they are, they are scared of putting themselves out there and because of that they depend on filters but they forget that filters' powers end on the phone and there is no filter in reality.

I don't condemn the use but I advise people to be moderate with using filters.