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RE: Here are My top 5

Did I state anything otherwise? 🤔
For me an implication

I only thought wow a oldie going over growing her account while not being nee anymore but again it’s a free platform and feel a newbee and thrive !
Still believe that

I am not sure exactly what you want to say. I was a newbie once and I got support from HL. Is there a problem in sticking to a community that you admire?
If you get votes like being ment for newbies I think so , after two years you should not need that and again it’s a free platform just wondered not angry not hostile just wondering on this rainy Wednesday

-> And again I am bias but terminal is the best just as Heyhaveyamet but that doesn’t say and I am not saying hl is not.
Yep still very much bias and no votes for two years olds
I have no doubt about the terminal or haveyamet. They sre run by experienced members of the blockchain. They provide guidance to everyone whoever go to them.

yep true and that’s for newbies old bees retired bees , foreign bees , male bees and all that I forgot. Heyhaveyamet is for newbies only.

Nevertheless, it is about one's interaction and experiences. I have had closer interaction with newbie initiative and HL, so they are closer to my heart. Simple ,
Yet a newbie initiative should vote for newbies right not two year olds, or it’s should be presented otherwise. But unless you are part of hivelearn that can be another discussion in the comments or in discord, never forget to help a newbie not take the votes because you already know and yes we all try to help so maybe you do aswell but in this case I just wondered nothing more nothing less than engaging and taking time to interact.