Anger Is Not An Excuse At All!!

in Hive Learners25 days ago

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There are people in this world who are angry. As in, they have real deep-seated issues that really need to be checked in the hospital. Because when you think about it, the rate at which some people get mad is just abnormal. For many of us, something substantial has to happen before we can become really furious to the point that we lack control over our actions. But for some people, that’s not the case. Anything at all can trigger them, and the next thing you know, they’re on a rampage.

These are the kind of people that can be abusive in their relationships, they can be really toxic to their partners and will never see the harm they do. They’ll chalk it all up to the fact that “I have a hot temper!” As if that’s supposed to make up for all the hurt that they’ve caused. It’s insane!


I just heard one of the craziest stories of this year. In a neighboring lodge, a guy who was living with his girlfriend got into an argument with her. And it escalated to the point that she decided to smash his TV. Not just any TV, a Toshiba 55-inch smart TV that’s currently worth over $700 (if you’re considering inflation). They were arguing and she smashed a whiskey bottle against the TV screen. The screen was destroyed on the first blow, but she didn’t stop there. She kept hitting and hitting it until she had punched a hole through it.

The boyfriend was shocked. For a long time, he sat there watching her destroy his property, unable to say a word due to shock. Next thing, he left the house and when he returned, it was with police officers who arrested the girlfriend. She began to beg, she apologized for letting her anger get the better of her. The boyfriend didn’t listen, he told her that the only way he would let her go was when she bought another TV for him, down to the exact same specs.


This just shows how far people can go when unhinged. When you look into it, there are more horrific stories out there of people doing horrific things because they were “angry”. I once heard the story of a bike man who killed a lady because she insulted him over some chump change. People have been poisoned and stabbed simply because someone who lacked control got into a murderous rage.

As the saying goes here in my country, “Many are mad, but few are roaming.” A lot of us need serious therapy. We believe that just because our actions are coordinated, then we’re okay in the head, but we’re not. We need serious mental health checkups. Because tell me why you’ll be arguing with someone over football and they’ll start insulting your mother. Or why would a simple argument suddenly escalate into the breaking of bottles and stabbings? As in, it’s just crazy. One of the most annoying ones is two people arguing, but instead of them fighting it out as men, one will prefer to go and call “boys” to beat the other up.


Where are we going as a society? We need more orientation when it comes to mental health because it’s becoming too much. I know how much I bought my TV, if you break it in anger, you’re going to replace it in anger! I don’t care! Because why would you do something like that and begin to tell me sorry and expect me to understand? I don’t know how to understand ooo! Gimme my money, biko!

Honestly, I hope we get to do better as a people before we have more of such people than the sane ones. And as for the couple, I heard she spent the night under lockup and the boyfriend is still refusing to drop the charges against her. I like his stance, at least if she manages to cough up $700 to replace the TV, the next time the demonic urge to destroy someone else’s property comes up, she’ll rebuke it immediately. Nothing quite as powerful and wise as the fear of billing!

Well, let’s see how it goes.


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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 25 days ago  

The incident was interesting and I think the boyfriend has done the right thing. No one has the right to destroy the property of others just because of anger. I agree with you that the fear of billing is the most fearful thing.

 25 days ago  

Wait oh. That girl is not thinking. She never asked herself if this guy will marry her tomorrow. But she just blow up every thing. Maybe she will learn her lesson when she pay for it.
Thanks for sharing

 25 days ago  

I’m always careful when I’m angry and I always walk away
Just like last night, my aunt was angry and wanted to stab her child. Isn’t it crazy?

 25 days ago  

It is a fact that we see such people in our lives who get angry very quickly and then have to work hard to convince them, so such people should be treated as necessary because it For other people, words give more trouble.

 25 days ago  

Anger is something that can destroy one if one isn't careful.
It serves her right
Paying for it will make her know how to control her anger next time.
That's why it's always best to walk away when angry because you might do somethings you never really meant to do self.