It's All Wet...

in Hive Learners2 months ago

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I don’t know for sure, but I’m beginning to think that we’re already in the annual seven-day rain that hits us once every rainy season. This is one period where it rains persistently for seven days straight. If there is ever a lull in the downpour, it would only be for a few hours at most, but eventually, it would resume and the downpour would continue.

It’s usually the same pattern. It falls at night, and lulls during the early morning. Falls again at noon, and lulls in the evening. And then falls again at night. The cycle goes on and on, and for seven whole days, all you see is just how wet the environment is and how almost every surface you touch is cold as ice.


This period seems a bit different, that’s why I’m not really sure if it’s really the seven-day rainfall. It’s been raining persistently for a few days now, following the same pattern I spoke of earlier, however, for some reason, it’s not pouring as it should. What is falling is only slightly heavier than a drizzle. That annoying kind of rain tricks you into thinking it’s not heavy, you almost won’t even feel it beating down on your skin. However, when you get to where you’re going, you’ll suddenly realize how drenched you are and how much water is dripping off your clothes because you had been beaten seriously by the rain without your knowledge.

This kind of rain is actually very dangerous because I’ve found out that it’s the kind that always causes flu, catarrh, and other weather-related ailments. Hell, even malaria sef. It’s the kind of rain that by the time you get home, you’ll be shivering as if you’re only just stepping out of a deep freezer and so you know that there will be a long list of medical bills in your nearest future.


But then, the good thing about this kind of rain is that, unlike the others, it doesn’t really hamper movement. It doesn’t cause flooding and you can walk as fast as your shoes can allow you to. You won’t have to wade through flood unless the ones that were already there prior to the rain. I’ve already talked about how my area gets flooded when it rains, but since this one started a few days ago, our roads are still free of floods. Everything is wet and messed up, but it’s better than it would have been if the rain was slightly heavier.

So, it could be anything at all. It could be that the actual seven days of rain is yet to begin and I’m only just thinking it’s begun due to the persistent rainfall going on here. I’ve heard that it only happens in the month of August because it’s what ushers us into the much-needed August Break. So, seeing that we’re still in the month of July, it could be that my assumption is wrong. On the flip side though, the month of July is almost at an end. We can argue that Mother Nature pushed the schedule forward a bit. After all, it’s not every time that nature chooses to follow man-made calendars.

So, for now, I really don’t know what’s happening. All I do know is that it’s been raining persistently and it will most likely cause a lot of people to fall ill. So, for every one of you experiencing this, do your best to protect yourself. It will all be over pretty soon.


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below. I would love to hear what you think. Till we meet in the next post.

N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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Thank you for this.

 2 months ago  

Happy raining over there ooh
It’s not raining here but the cold is too much
It’s extreme

It's just not your turn yet... so calm down and keep enjoying the cold. The rains are coming!😂