Yeah... I Got This!!!

in Hive Learners6 months ago

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Public speaking is not something I often do, because I always try my possible best to avoid it when I can. Even then it makes me think sometimes that I don’t have what it takes to stand in front of a group of people and address them. But then, every once in a while when I’m put on the spot and I have to speak publicly, I find that I always do it well. As long as I prepare for it, one would think I was born for public speaking.

Honestly, that’s how it has always been for me even back in secondary school when I always tried to stay inconspicuous so the teachers didn’t call on me. But when they did call, I never let my shyness get in the way of proving my point. Not even when I and a few school mates went to represent my school in a debate. I’ve always been ready to stand up when I absolutely had to.


However, in the last ten years, it got easier for me even without me realizing it. I guess I owe this in a huge way to my time as a Longrich ambassador when we used to go from place to place preaching the gospel of network marketing and the wonders. We were given training on how to speak and how to carry the crowd along.

Personally, I didn’t give a lot of seminars because I always preferred to be in the background as an assistant, however, when I did host seminars I was always surprised at how well I handled the art of speaking before a crowd. Thanks to all that, it only made it easier for me when I started having real stakes in public speaking, like when I had to defend my assignment to my entire class during my ND.


This defense had a lot of marks and the lecturer was really strict, even the tiniest thing could disqualify anyone. If he found any fault with your talking or delivery, he kicked you out at once. So, there was a lot riding on me properly defending my assignment that day or I would fail abysmally in front of all my coursemates.

Well, as usual, I surprised myself and killed the defense. I did the same thing in front of a panel during my four months IT defense and project defense as well. I just keep killing it. I keep doing all this, one might think that it would cross my mind that maybe I have a thing for public speaking, maybe I should consider doing it more than just as a school work. But that never crossed my mind because I was always so busy dodging roles that would put me in a position where I have to do a lot of public speaking.

Anyway, one can only run for so long. Last night I had to give an impromptu speech before a gathering of basically strangers and I was impressed at how I handled it and how I carried the crowd along. I’m sure that if I do decide to pursue this and learn more on it, I’d definitely get better.


So far, I’m still doing what I’ve always been doing, trying my best to avoid public speaking. But then, as always, if it comes up on me, it’s not something I’ll dodge. I know that I’ve not spoken to a crowd of a thousand people yet. But I have spoken to a full church before and I handled it like a champ. Who knows, a time might come when I have to talk to 10,000 people in a stadium or speak to millions of people around the world at the same time.

I really hope that this streak I’ve got going doesn’t fail me then. I really hope that I kill it just as I’ve gotten used to doing. Because the gift of public speaking seems to be one thing that comes naturally to me and one I’m sure would get better if I just put my mind to it.

Well, I guess time will tell.


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post

N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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Thank you for this.

 6 months ago  

Let me just say, even if I am not prepared to talk somewhere, I still find myself knowing what to say , not that I have had any form of training, especially in school, impromptu English and economics presentation are norms.

Hehe... that's great!
You're doing well!

You surely have the gift of public speaking, and it's a good gift. Like you said, you might have the opportunity to talk to millions of people one day.

I, on the other hand, hate public speaking. I don’t like being the center of attention in areas I don’t enjoy. But lately, I have been trying to get over that shyness because I know and feel that one day I’ll be standing in front of a crowd and talking to them. In what aspect? That I do not know, but I am always scared of not knowing what to say or how to address an issue when being spoken to.

But I pray about it, though, and I’ll make sure I am not bothered about talking in front of large crowds.

Beating this fear will be one major feat because once you master it, you'll be one step closer to knowing how to make a crowd do what you want.

 6 months ago  

Public speaking hmmm well it seems to me prefer writing a lot but when opportunity opens for public speaking you never let low self esteem deterred you. You did well in your project defence.

As for me I don't like public speaking sha but I do well when it comes to preaching the word of God. I don't know how to classify this anyway.

Thanks so much for sharing sir.

Isn't preaching also public speaking? Unless you're speaking only to yourself in your bedroom, then it probably isn't.😁
As long as you're speaking to people, then it's public speaking.

You're doing well.

 6 months ago  

Wow thanks so much mentor for that inside. I never seen it in that dimension before.

Thanks for the clarification

 6 months ago  

Congratulations to you for killing the project defense
I’m sure that you did very well for you to be happy like this
I could feel it in your article

Thank you!😊

 6 months ago  

Public speaking it's not so easy for everyone. Many people struggle for it. Some interesting thing is many people's legs start to shake when they go for public speaking because of fear. We don't need to face that kind of situation every time but sometimes we have no way to escape it.

Yeah... at one time or the other, we'd have to face it. No matter what, we have to be prepared to handle it.

 6 months ago  

Unlike you, I always run out of words when not prepared to speak publicly. Naturally, I am not a man of many words and my pen does the majority of the speaking but when I am told earlier, it's kind of easier for me.

To have filled the position of a Longrich ambassador, it's telling how well you handle the crowd.

Yeah... when I'm told before hand, especially if it's for like a speech or anything deep. It would make things a whole lot easier indeed.