Creative Sunday - Spicy Spag

in Hive Learners4 months ago (edited)


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Who else is so tired of rice on Sunday?

Am I the only one who is momentarily tired of eating rice on Sundays?... Why's it a norm?... Is there any explanation as to why our parents cherish this particular classification of food?
And funny enough we have stylishly adopted that habit into our lifestyle subconsciously.

Today I broke that cycle. That's why I took out my time to make spicy jollof spaghetti. Unfortunately, I took no pictures of the whole ingredients before assembling them in the cooking post but I have a video of me hyping myself when the food was halfway done. And also a video of when I wanted to put the remaining food in the fridge.
So I will be listing out those ingredients that I use to make them and I will also be explaining the method I used for it.


Ingredients for Jollof spaghetti;

  • 1 packet of golden penny spaghetti.
  • 1 sachet of Gino tomato paste.
  • A small bowl of fresh tomatoes.
  • A small quantity of mixed pepper and chili pepper.
  • 4 cubes of single know maggi.
  • A tiny piece of garlic and ginger.
  • Two medium-sized green peppers.
  • Handful of carrots.
  • Two green bell peppers.
  • Four pieces of small onions.
  • A quarter bottle of vegetable oil.
  • A small quantity of crayfish.
  • 2 pieces of frozen turkey.
  • Spices (nutmeg, curry and thyme sachet)

I slice the frozen turkey into two pieces each, wash them, and place them in the pot. Added a little water for steaming, I scooped the ginger and garlic paste that was pounded in the small mortar and put it inside the pot of turkey while adding other ingredients like two cubes of maggi, a little portion of allspice except nutmeg, diced onions, and a pinch of salt to give the turkey taste.


Then I went further to parboil the spaghetti in the already boiling water but before putting the spaghetti inside the pot, I added a few drops of vegetable oil and broke it in quarterly because I did not want to have a slurping moment with the spaghetti. I detest that a lot hehe... I allowed it to boil for over 10 minutes and then sieved it out.


After 10 minutes of boiling the spaghetti, I used the timeframe to blend the fresh tomatoes and pepper alongside with onions. I used the period to blend crayfish and diced the vegetables (carrots and green bell pepper) getting them all prepped up for stew while I kept checking the turkey on fire.

I started making my stew by pouring vegetable oil into the hot pot and then putting in diced onion with some sprinkles of spices all together to give it an aroma when frying. Then I added my blended tomatoes and fry for a while then added the blended crayfish stir for a long while before throwing in the steamed turkey and its broth.


After that, I poured in the remaining spices and the diced carrots, stirred them into a fine paste, and finally put in the parboiled spaghetti but I had to remove the turkey.
So the video below showed when I was in the moment of carrots and diced green bell pepper and showed the rest of the meal when it was done.

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This is my participation for the #creative-sunday.






 4 months ago  

Wow, this jollof spaghetti sounds like an amazing and creative twist on the traditional Sunday rice meal! I love how you personalized this dish by experimenting with unique flavors and combinations. The details you provided about meticulously preparing the turkey, tomatoes, and spaghetti really made my mouth water. Your adventurous spirit in the kitchen is truly inspiring. I can tell a lot of love and care went into crafting this recipe. Thanks for generously sharing the story and process behind this dish. I may just have to try making my own version of spicy jollof spaghetti soon!

 4 months ago  

I may have to also try fried spaghetti too because I like to try out new things! Maybe I just have the spark in the kitchen hehe...thanks for showing up here.

I'm waiting for your own clip of jollof spaghetti too...just tag me.

That dish looks super delicious. But I would have liked to see the step by step to make it at home.

Yay! 🤗
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