Newbies Initiative Task 01 || Setting Goals On Hive

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

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"The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score." –Bill Copeland

Hello everyone, I'm surely you had a good night. Sigh, I just read through that quote at the top of this post and realized that I've been stuck for a while now. Wouldn't it be really great for me to finally score a goal like Aubameyang did yesterday?

Well, of course, I'll have to start somewhere and what better to start than with the first task of the Newbies Initiative. I'm really grateful to @starstrings01 for his well thought out tutorial, helped a novice like me acquire more knowledge and it also heightened my confidence...

Seeing how much he's grown over the years is really inspiring, and I'll love to inspire others in the long run. Thank you @newbies-hive with the help of @hive-learners Community and @theycallmedan @aliento for giving me and a lot of New-bies the opportunity to grow.

What Are My Goals in Terms of Hive Power?

Goal setting is one of the best ways to actually measure your growth. It gives you a chance to actually write down what you'll want to achieve and actually work towards those set down goals.


As at the time of writing this post I'm currently having 275HP and would love to monitor how well I'll grow in the next 3months. I'll be setting a goal of gaining extra 300HP at the end of this initiative. 300 added to my current 275 would make it a total of 575HP.

What Are My Goals in Terms of Followers and Reputation?

I'm really not hyped about having a lot of followers because I feel it's not the number that counts but how well these followers are. You might have over 1000 followers and still get as little as 2comments on your post. Having followers is one thing and being able to interact with them is another.


I currently have up to 127 followers and the goal is to grow up to 200 at the end of 3months.

As for reputation, I'm currently almost at a *60", after this post I'm pretty sure I'll hit 60. The goal is to get to a reputation of 65, as little as that sounds it's certainly not going to be a very easy task, but I'm ready to work towards it.

What Are My Goals in Terms of Hive comments and engagement?

The goal is actually to reach more people than I have so far, that'll mean I'll have to make over 10 comments everyday, that includes engaging on new posts and actively replying comments on my posts. So far I've made over 2000 comments and would be looking to grow that and maybe get to 3000 before the initiative runs out.

How Do I Plan to Achieve This Goals?

Goals aren't just set for fun, it'll take a lot of dedication, consistency and drive to actually achieve them.

For growing my HP I'll have to work towards being a lot more consistent than I've ever been, a minimum of one post everyday should set me on the right track. It's been a while I actually got a notification from Hivebuzz notifying me for being consistent. I'll have to work on that and ensure I drive myself towards consistency.

Another way is being actively involved in various contest in communities I hope to grow in. These contests come with exposure and also small prizes, little by little they'll help me build up my Hive Power and achieve my goal.

Growing my "followers* actually comes hand in hand with comments and engagement. I've realized that if I can make up to 10 meaningful comments a day I get a new follower or more. If I can do that consistently for 3 months then it'll be enough to grow my followers.

Being actively involved in community projects and contests is also a plus. It'll give me more exposure and with more exposure comes more follows. Another main ingredient is making high quality posts, every is drawn to good quality posts and people would want to keep track with a really good author, so I'll also have to step up the quality of my posts.

Possibly Challenges I'll be Facing?

Well, they're a lot of challenges that may pop up in the space of two months and for sure it'll be an hindrance to the rate at which I'll grow. Some of the challenges I might face are

Lack of Data

It's well known that getting constant data is a big issue in this part of the world especially since it's so expensive. Without data they'll be no constant posting and that'll be a factor. But then I'll have towards making that a hindering factor.

Writer's block

They're days when our brains don't want to do anything but rest and at that moment it'll be hard to put the brain to work. Moments like this are bound to present itself, it'll take a lot of perseverance to overcome them.


Lack of consistency has actually limited growth here on Hive. I'll have to be able to motivate myself to do more everyday, that drive and zeal would have to be put to work.

Real life problems

They're moments when I'll be faced with problems that might actually require withdrawing my Hive. I don't pray for that though, I'll have to keep my fingers crossed and hope that the next 3 months turn out perfectly.

if you enjoyed reading this, I invite you to upvote and drop a comment I'll be glad to reply

 2 years ago  

Easy pizzle 🥳🥳

I'm sure goals are achievable since you didn't set them to be outrageous. Kudos man! 👍

 2 years ago  


Goals have to be realistic in order for them to be quite achievable.

Thanks a lot bro ❤️

 2 years ago  

You're welcome

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 2 years ago  

Incredible goals you have listed out my dear friend
It is great and remarkable.

 2 years ago  

Thanks you for the observation! ❤️

 2 years ago  

Such a well detail and smart goals.
I wish you good luck in achieving them and hope you live and excel above the limitations.

 2 years ago  

Thanks a lot bro, I'm looking forward to working towards achieving them!.. ❤️

 2 years ago  

You are welcome.
Best of luck.

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  

They're days when our brains don't want to do anything but rest and at that moment it'll be hard to put the brain to work. Moments like this are bound to present itself, it'll take a lot of perseverance to overcome them.

I usually thought I'm the only person with this issue, there was a day I was making research on a finance blog then suddenly my head started aching,I lost everything and I just have to go and bath and sleep to reset my brain
Hahaha 🤣😂..

Your goals as far as I'm concerned is 100% achievable, just follow the steps and engage with others and leave the rest to God..

I wish you best of luck

 2 years ago  

I usually thought I'm the only person with this issue, there was a day I was making research on a finance blog then suddenly my head started aching,I lost everything and I just have to go and bath and sleep to reset my brain
Hahaha 🤣😂..


You're certainly not the only one. That's how life works, you gotta take a break sometimes. Atleast you were wise enough to go bathe and sleep and give your brain a chance to reset itself. That's wise!.

Your goals as far as I'm concerned is 100% achievable, just follow the steps and engage with others and leave the rest to God..

Well said, I'm looking forward to push myself towards achieving them, now is the chance I have to do something really meaningful and importantly everything is in God's hands

I wish you best of luck

Thank you so much @mistural ..I appreciate your comment ❤️

 2 years ago  

You are welcome 🤗

 2 years ago  

you will definitely get 300 HP for these 3 months and surely your HP at the end will reach 575, I believe that

 2 years ago  

Thank you for your warm encouragement ❤️

 2 years ago  

You are so close in achieving your hp. You have 200+ and needed 300 to achieve it.
Keep moving on high

 2 years ago  

Sure I'll try my best..Thank you for your comment ❤️

 2 years ago  

Hey @chincoculbert

If writers block is persistently an issue for you, try using prompts.

They'd help give you a perspective you can develop upon.

You can get these prompts while reading articles and posts by other people.

I do hope you achieve all your goals.


 2 years ago  

Yes that's true, prompts are good ways to get over blocks but they're days when even with these prompts your brain no just wan function at all..

 2 years ago  


I no that feeling. It's like brain freeze 🥶🥶...

You'll get over it.

 2 years ago  

I did really enjoyed reading through this post, I hope you get to overcome these challenges and I assure you the sky will be your starting point.

All the best dear, for the next three months. I hope to come back and congratulate you 🥰🥰.

 2 years ago  

I hope so too, thank you for the warm encouragement. I really appreciate it ❤️❤️

 2 years ago  

You're welcome friend, all the best 🥰😊😊

 2 years ago too

 2 years ago  

Yeah, thanks 🥰

 2 years ago  

You're welcome ❤️❤️✅

 2 years ago  

I love how you detailed the goals. I wish you the best and I hope you achieve those numbers and even more.

 2 years ago  

Thank you my dear, I really appreciate ❤️

 2 years ago  

I hope you fulfill your goals very quickly and many many good wishes for you

 2 years ago  

Thank you so much @anikearn , I'll work towards them and hope to achieve them ❤️✅

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  

Thank you for your comment dear ❤️