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RE: Newbies Initiative Task 01 || Setting Goals On Hive

in Hive Learners β€’ 2 years ago

I usually thought I'm the only person with this issue, there was a day I was making research on a finance blog then suddenly my head started aching,I lost everything and I just have to go and bath and sleep to reset my brain
Hahaha πŸ€£πŸ˜‚..


You're certainly not the only one. That's how life works, you gotta take a break sometimes. Atleast you were wise enough to go bathe and sleep and give your brain a chance to reset itself. That's wise!.

Your goals as far as I'm concerned is 100% achievable, just follow the steps and engage with others and leave the rest to God..

Well said, I'm looking forward to push myself towards achieving them, now is the chance I have to do something really meaningful and importantly everything is in God's hands

I wish you best of luck

Thank you so much @mistural ..I appreciate your comment ❀️

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You are welcome πŸ€—