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RE: Fear of Losing You

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Fear isn't anything good... there's so much to lose from being afraid...most of us have been through so much and this things have shapened us to be who we are today...fear of the unknown, fear of being a disappointment, fear of not being able to find love...they're so many fears and it just keeps holding us down and stopping us from moving forward..

I don't know how you must have felt...being afraid of loosing the one you thought was your ride or die...I'm glad you did actually let him go so you'll be able to face your fears and maybe overcome them ..

Thanks for sharing ❤️

 2 years ago  

Thank you for your comment :)). Yeah, I agree with you that fear holds us down. I am currently experiencing this, to be honest, hahaha. Someone is asking for my consent if we can have a romantic relationship but I always refuse since I fear that this relationship might fail again.

Thank you for checking out my blog :))