Traditional marriage Amongst Nigerians, and Africa at large has always been a source and site of attraction for entertainment. Although, having a white wedding seems to have overshadowed this ancestral norm in the African society but religious believers has deemed it a rule to be carried out, before an African girl is pronounced married.
Deviating from that, I will be going into the business for today. My name is Daniel and here is my entry for the week 02, Edition 02 contest which is titled A Traditional Wedding Ceremony.
I am From a Akwa Ibom which is a Southern State in The Country Nigeria and under the Ibibio tribe. My tribe could be tagged as one of the most expensive via ceremonies like traditional marriages and burials etc. Which much I do about nothing, let me take you on a cruise in how our traditional marriage is been done.
The Ibibio people regards marriage as compound, due to the fact that it covers the societial values of political, economic and religious system of the tribe, starting from the normal "knocking of door" (ñkon uduck), and more plans, aggrements and negotiations which will be carried out from pre marriage to post marriage. Dramatical rites are also carried out for spiritual bonding between each familes.
The Ibibio Traditional Marriage in Proper
The Ibibio traditional marriage can be classified as a dramatic experience which begins with an opening prayer by the chairman, who is given guide by the Master of ceremony (Mc), background Cultural songs by spectators and family members, which depict the idea that there is a traditional marriage on going, Family representatives confirming all items to be confirmed, etc.
Then the grand entrance of the groom with his friends and peer groups. The brides female relations escorts the groom to the family house as they sing and chant his name and how lucky he is to take their sister.
Different types of dishes are displayed from the Afang soup, Afia Efere and known dishes like Jollof rice, fried rice, pepper soup etc. Accompanied with all sort of drinks, ranging from palm whine to hots and spirits. An elderly lady is called to test all dishes.
Both parties from the two families are brought behind close doors for negotiation. What goes to the bride's family is in respect to what they agree on. During this periods the bride is kept hidden and dressed till agreement is been reached.
The bride who is beautifully dressed in a traditional gown and beeds is sent to go search for her groom with a drink and she is accompanied by her female peers. During the search traditional music consumes the air and funny acts like other men and women extending their hands to get the drink from the bride, while the groom seats and waits for his bride.
The Bride
Finding the groom she knees and takes a sip, then give him the drink, a loud cheer is heard and they dance to the high table for blessings by the chairman and the both families, and they both dance and are covered by friends and we'll wishers.
I hope you enjoyed my entry?, Drop your comments if it was nice to read.
I can see that everyone is beautifully dressed for the occasion. It is full of glamour and beauty. And steeped in tradition.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Yeah, a very colourful wedding ceremony, food was also surplus