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RE: Create a problem, sell the solution.

in Hive Learners2 years ago

I say this thing all the time. Apple basically sells us the same phone with a few tweaks for several generations. The iPhone X and it’s series(Xr, Xs, Xs Max) the 11(11, 11 pro, 11 promax). It’s not that people don’t know this oo, but we still buy in the name of having the latest device. And some people that don’t even really need to upgrade will upgrade too even though they clearly have no use for it. It‘ll be understandable to see a youtube want to upgrade from the 11 to 13 for maybe a better camera, because they need it.

The majority of the iPhone user population here is just for clout. Smh.

 2 years ago  

Like me😂😂😂
I have the phone and I don’t take any pictures

People keep asking why I have an iPhone if I don’t take pictures with it

Lol me, I take pictures, but only ones I need for Hive. I don’t know how to take pictures for my own, like the ones people post on Snap and others. Lol my snap is not even active.

 2 years ago  

My snap is active but I’m just there for memes. I’ve never posted anything

I don’t want to use snap for memes because e everyone will always get notifications of me screenshotting. I’m a serial screenshotter.😂😂😂

 2 years ago  

I stopped taking screenshots when I found out about that
Now I just view and pass

I’m afraid I can’t do that. Gonna have to involve the police or something to get me to stop lol.

 2 years ago  
