in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)


SOURCE edited by CANVA


Have you ever wondered why we can't see stars anymore in the sky (Especially those people who remember the days when electricity was not common)? The reason behind it is "Light Pollution". I know many of you have not heard about it before but now you heard it. It takes away the beauty of our sky. I remember when I was approx 5 to 7. We visited our village 2 months per year usually in June and July (summer vacations). They didn't have electricity in 2005. The light pollution was not there as much we see in the city, especially in my city "KARACHI" which means "The city of lights". I always enjoy sleeping in the open sky. I still remember when we started learning to count, we counted up to 500 before going to sleep once. Here in Karachi even today there were only less than 10 stars. I miss those days when the sky was filled with stars.




In this blog, I will use the power of fiction and take you on a journey with me and my wife (it's fiction anything can happen) where we will find the brightest sky in Pakistan. Although my Getaway will remain the brightest skies.




I and my wife were enjoying our regular entrepreneurial days of life and were living a happy lifestyle. I was having my cup of tea while watching my laptop wallpaper of a beautiful sky. She came to me and asked me about my affection to watch the stars. I told her how I have nostalgic feelings from my childhood about watching the brightest sky.



Image from Google Maps

She went to our terrace and came back after 20 mins. She looked at me and smiled while typing something on the laptop. I got excited to know about the darkest place in Pakistan on our laptop screen would be a great spot to view the brightest sky. I postponed our meetings to next week, she informed me. I was still shocked, it all was happening too quickly. It was a remote village in Balochistan, the darkest place with the biggest sky.




I wouldn't able to sleep properly that night because of excitement. The next morning when we woke up, our bulter informed us that our packing has been completed and the jeep is waiting outside. For our breakfast, we ate Paratha(bread) and Shaag(Spinach) with a cup of tea for me and a cup of coffee for her. While we were having a meal she kept on looking at my face. I can't stop watching your excitable face, she said. I opened my front camera on my mobile and took a selfie with her, thinking about storing those wonderful memories. We sat down in our jeep, I decided to drive within the next 5 minutes she opened up her kurkure (snack), I thought to myself didn't we just have our breakfast but said nothing.




My house was near a highway in Karachi and the trip to Balochistan's remote village that we located on the map wasn't far. We were getting closer to our destination while she was continuously taking photos on our road trip. There was a point where we reached mountain road and wouldn't go further on our vehicle. The rest of the trip was on horses. We reached the ground which was surrounded by mountains from all sides. I was already amazed by the beauty of the site. I hold her hands as we were watching the mountains. I was about to get dark soon. I don't wanna waste a minute so we both set the camp and gather wood for the fire. We had a little power nap before the final moment.



I was sleeping in the camp when she woke me up. The first thing I said was "Did I oversleep", She laughed. She was holding my hand and bought me outside of the camp. To my surprise, the brightest sky was as beautiful as I imagined. There were not 10, 20, 500, or even thousands of stars instead it looked the sky was made up of stars. I was smiling with joy and excitement. I picked her up and I was twirled until I had to catch a breath. I was sensing a true sense of freedom, the open sky with those beautiful stars was a wonderful sight to watch.
I lay down with her, she was stroking my hair with her fingers. What are you thinking, she asked.
What if all the angels are devils and the devils are angels, I said.
Angels and devils are not like humans, they have only one face, she replied and both laughed.


Thanks for reading my blog. I hope you enjoyed it. What is your gateway, leave it in the comments below!


 2 years ago  

It might be a fictional story but it felt like it was real
I would love to experience the bright skies in the darkest place, should be very thrilling

 2 years ago  

You should watch some videos about "light pollution" then.

Have you ever wondered why we can't see stars anymore in the sky (Especially those people who remember the days when electricity was not common)?

Damn. This hit me hard and reminded me of past days when I used to go to rooftop and watch the sky, moon and stars closely when the electricity was gone.

The story is so surreal. Loved it

 2 years ago  

Nostalgia hits us all hard! Thanks for visiting my post!

Wow, Great fictional story but you can enjoy all these in real. Pakistan still has all these beauties. Being a birder I have travelled to some remote areas of Pakistan and have enjoyed all these beauties. I am not good in words but still try to write a post about my journey to Uchali Lake (Khushab) where first time I saw a Milky Way. Hope will find some pictures in my Archive.

 2 years ago (edited) 

I also heard about an earth quake and how people saw milky way but I reduced the knowledge I know, about light pollution thinking that readers might get confused. Although I am awake of seeing wonders in sky in darkest places. Maybe some day we paki hivers will arrange a Pakistani tour together all sponsored by Hive? What do you this? It sounds amazing to me. :)

The idea behind getaway is just to take a break from society and be with the one you love or doing whatever you want to do. And there is this form of tranquility and peace that comes from gazing at the sky at night, especially when all is quiet.
This is a beautiful post indeed, I enjoyed every word of it.
Thank you for sharing it with us.

 2 years ago  

Thanks for hosting amazing contest!

 2 years ago  

Wishing you best of luck 🤞
The clear and blue sky only for you ❤️
Nice and exceptional post 📯

 2 years ago  

Thanks for your exceptional comment.

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 2 years ago  

We all enjoy being in a village area and I occasionally go for a walk in village area

 2 years ago (edited) 

Of course I noticed the difference between village and town but never difference between village and town stars. But I want to let you know that I like the village very much

 2 years ago  

Hi! You were all just waiting for my post? I haven't even shared it anywhere till now.

We all enjoy being in a village area and I occasionally go for a walk in village area

Did you ever notice the difference between stars in cities and villages?

 2 years ago  

This looks so real, a journey with your wife to the biggest sky, I love that and I think I will love to have such experience

 2 years ago  

and the best thing is I am not even married hahaha. Thanks for reading my post.

 2 years ago  

would love to visit Karachi someday bro😎 home am welcomed🤗🤗 thanks for sharing

 2 years ago  

Your welcome.

 2 years ago  

Please can you educate me more on how to source photos taken from unsplash? I texted you on discord can you check

 2 years ago  

You got me,I was glued to this write up and didn't want it to end soon🤩🤩

The imaginary experiences looks real
Good one💪

 2 years ago  

Thanks for your appreciation!

 2 years ago  

This is a very interesting story that even looks real and I as a reader are carried away into your writing. this is interesting at first I thought you already had a wife from you wrote and immediately I read the comments it turns out no, this is just a story

 2 years ago  

Thanks for going our a unique journey with me through my writing!

I'm very happy to hear your own gateway, that's good.

 2 years ago  

Thanks for passing by.

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 2 years ago  

Shahzaaday ko shaadi ki bari jaldi he.

I heard of fairy meadows where sky is filled with stars. There is no electricity in this area. I think it is in norther area of Pakistan.

Which city of Balochistan has that kind of sky?

 2 years ago  

It's a remote village between mountains, I can locate it in google maps but it have no name. It can be reason why it have the brightest sky or the visitors might distrub the eco-system there too

 2 years ago  

Hmmmm. But it should have some name, I guess

 2 years ago  

Kiyoun na ho larka houn kamata houn lol

 2 years ago  

Hmmmm. Achi baat he. Wese bhi Nikah sunnat he or insan ko taqwa k qareeb le jata he

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  

I make a lot of edits to my posts. You read it too quickly hahaha. I hope you won't find any grammar errors as I keep them fixing and correcting sentence structure.

Are you actually married or that's part of the fictional getaway?

That is a part of fiction.

humans can be both angels and demons at the same time?

All humans are different. Some choose to be angels and choice to be devils while some are neutral and others take turns. It's really up to you as God gave you free will to decide.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  

I am currently using grammarly.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  

Thank you, this really means a lot to me. My job was also to bring attention to a lot of things while they enjoy like light pollution, human behavior etc