in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

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In this blog, we will discuss not only my taste and likings related to reading but we will also discuss the future of reading. With the advancement of technology, a lot of things will change and reading is one of them.




I personally believe there is a connection between how we read and memorize. I can't say about all but I memorize faster when the content is written in my own writing. There had between multiple occasions when I write online available slides in my writing just for faster learning. I believe the more senses involved in writing the better. So my pen, touch, and eyes all remember it, and when I am in any competitive exam, the visions I get in my own writing make me easier to recall what I learned compared to any online slides.


Some might argue softcopy of content is better than a hardcopy of content but mine is different than both. I listen to novels and books. Yes, I don't read much but I listen.

I will now show you my youtube downloads:

WhatsApp Image 2022-12-04 at 12.41.02 AM.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-12-04 at 12.42.19 AM.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-12-04 at 12.42.19 AM (1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2022-12-04 at 12.42.20 AM.jpeg

And many more......

I usually complete books by playing audio versions while walking or exercising as it's better than listening to songs for me. The above list you see is just some of my travel listening material as while travel, I don't complete full books but prefer summaries. "Adab Saraye" is a URDU language utube channel with a lot of audiobooks available in urdu and I completed "power of subconscious mind" from this channel. I don't prefer urdu in reading and English is my preference but I share these with my family so, especially with my dad urdu content is good for both of us.

My taste is mostly in the 1900s and 2000s is not much interesting to me in terms of reading. Think and grow rich, and The intelligent investor is among my top picks. I completed these books 5+ times just walking in the park and listening to them.


Many people don't know or don't use but I also prefer READ OUT LOUD feature. This feature is available in word, pdf, or even in browser extensions. I prefer AI to read for me other then me reading something. Also, I do use read out loud alot as sometimes I work for 22+ hours and continuous usage is bad for mental health so I try my best to avoid the UV lights I can.

Although on Hive I usually read posts cause when someone do grammatical errors or slang it's easier in reading than to listen. As long as the blog is not professionally written, I manually read than listening.


I believe currently screens are mostly everywhere and continuous use is harming our eyesight and might have an effect on our brains too. I myself also use eyesight glasses. I believe that in the future we will see either laser surgery being cheaper or our bodies will mutate with this continuous usage. The mutation is just like how germs get stronger or white blood cells enhance their resistance.

In the future, if we mutate to have no side effects of screens/UV rays then I can predict a change towards less usage of physical books but as long as our bodies and technologies evolve, we will continue to see physical books or even audio being preferred by some people.


I appreciated free public libraries and barber shops having newspapers in my country. I also saw Finland and other countries and compared them with my country on reading habits, and I got a little demotivated about reading and writing in my region. But on the other hand with technologies like HIVE, I do believe it will not only help us in finance but also build good habits and help in becoming a better human being. Free education and content we consume will become better and better with technological advancement.


In my environment, people just don't like reading, but neither like audiobooks, and it probably is because of the screens. We have grown to a faster method of getting information, kids and not kids prefer short videos, while others like to listen to music but they get distracted and will miss the thread of a book if they are just listening to it in the background. I prefer reading to get important information, and listening if it's more like an entertaining topic or the format is like a conversation (podcast for example), but I do use glasses and I see that the more time I expend reading the more my eyes get tired and dry, so to maintain this I will need to use eyedrops or better glasses, do exercises, etc. In the future, if we lose paperback books, we will have a lot more kids with visual issues.

 last year  

Faster methods of information reminded me of summary advance AI. Let's you consume content alot faster with bullet points.

I do agree sometimes I also miss a thread but listening to a book again and again fixes this. For example when u listen to a song, you don't listen all and just enjoy it. But with listening again and again you remember everything in that song.

 last year  

hmm interesting Bhai, I do make notes whenever I do have to make a post and note down a few points or words that did help me to recall what to write. I do you use the read-aloud option very often and google assistant on my phone. travel ke time pe audio listning is a good idea for sure. I do try to get away from my phone while traveling and enjoy the journey more.
good post bhai keep posting.

 last year  

travel ke time pe audio listning is a good idea for sure.

I don't wanna fall when reading a book and walking hehe.

Let's confuse some readers with this joke. !LOLZ


 last year  

ha haa sahe kaha that will sure lame 🤣
ha haa sshe kaha lets do it.

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Fish and ships.

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 last year  

So much has changed over the course of time. I still remember my school days where I used to memorize stuffs as silently as possible. I was not among those who likes to read out loud lol. But things does change!

While I do agree listening does improves ones thought and ideas and seems like I need to do that and see how it goes. While, continuous use case of being in front of screen does indeed have a lot of negative affect and I do feel it nowadays.

Either way, it sure was a nice topic to go through!

 last year  

Alot of voices to choice from. And can run in background. Can detect hive posts. I like GUY voice. It's soo satisfactory.


I prefer reading out loud as it will make reading faster and easy too consuming a huge of content listing especially when you are always traveling around

 last year

Just drop a link in this app of any hive post and see the magic. ;)

Thanks will search for it on iOS store

 2 years ago  

When it comes to memorization, just like you...I memorize so easily contents written by me on a paper. Even while I was in school, I make my note from my textbooks instead reading directly from the textbook. This has proven to be the easiest way I memorize contents.

I prefer AI to read for me than for me to read.

How do you do this?
Can you use it to read all contents from the net?

 2 years ago (edited) 

Many people don't know or don't use but I also prefer READ OUT LOUD feature. This feature is available in word, pdf, or even in browser extensions. I prefer AI to read for me than for me to read.

I hope you learn something new today. Thanks for reading my blog. !PGM !PIZZA !LUV

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 2 years ago  

Many thanks for this link
I will go through it

Much appreciated 👍😇

 last year  

Does this work on phones or only computers?

 last year (edited) 


There will be applications to do this on phone. But I think you need to copy paste in order to read or maybe a keyboard extension for android.

If the app asks to override other apps then it might not be safe. So I will prefer copy/paste in different app and that reads.

You can try this one or another. This one lets who copy link so all you need is hive post link in order for it to be read by AI. In any other case you might needed to copy text and paste in a different app.

@nkemakonam89 @iskawrites


I highly recommend this app. Paste link and listen to any hive post. :) Link above

 last year  

Oh. Thanks so much.

I'll go for the link copying then..... Thanks again ☺️

 last year  

My pleasure 🥰

Really interesting! I find easier to focus if I read myself than listening to other one reading..

 last year  

We r built different;)

 2 years ago  

I prefer writing summaries ! Hate audio books lol

 last year  

We are different on this thing then. Maybe you lived your life mostly when audio wasn't in trend? Maybe audio book listening was either not available or not common. !PIZZA !LUV !PGM

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5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

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For me, I love writing compared to audio. Because I easily memorized things that I write down by myself. Thanks for sharing this educative post and have a wonderful day.

 last year  

I am glad to found out that you found this post helpful. Thanks for your feedback!

You're welcome

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 2 years ago  

Greetings @dlmmqb ❤️😊

It was really nice reading your content and I must say you've really done a great job coming up with such an educative content buddy.. Keep it up!!

I believe currently screens are mostly everywhere and continuous use is harming our eyesight and might have an effect on our brains too

There's actually no doubt about this though. We now live in an era where we can't do without operating smartphones 24/7. I just hope our body system get more acquainted with such lifestyle.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️😊


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 last year  

I upvoted cause I valued that content but if you comment under my blog for it, I will maintain a distance from upvoting you to keep my comments related to my blogs.

I do value your blog but it doesn't mean you comment in this way. Not being harsh or strict or rude, you letting you know that someone out there might consider it as spam.

Cool, thanks for the advice. I just wanted to thank you and didn't know where else to do so.

 last year  

DLMMQB#6953 that's my discord if you want to reach out to me.

 last year (edited) 

Also using #stem for this type of educational content will help whales and curation cartel to find you more easily. But use tag only when u r 100% sure it's related to blog. Coding is one of things that is suitable for stem tag

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