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RE: The beginning of the cleanliness campaign starts from within oneself | صفائی مہم کا آغاز اپنی ذات سے

in Hive Learners3 months ago

Parents play a big role in building our characters and they teach us good and bad things, no doubt my parents taught me to make my environment clean but yes somehow I can give credit to myself too for starting this movement as I observed things on my own and started cleaning myself, and my environment.

Daily taking a shower habit.........
Childhood Lessons: The Sweet Lies, Savings, and Surprises!

For the words that I didn't mention, I don't want to discourage people, obviously we meet people here who love to discourage us when we start doing something. but I don't want to discourage my people by hearing those words.

Hehe, people say the first impression is the last impression I'm glad my first impression impressed you. Last but not least, I will not let this planet die, I will keep working and taking small steps to make our environment cleaner.