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RE: The beginning of the cleanliness campaign starts from within oneself | صفائی مہم کا آغاز اپنی ذات سے

in Hive Learners3 months ago

You mention that you have had the habit of being tidy and keeping everything clean since your childhood. That makes me wonder if your parents instilled it in you or was it something you decided to do on your own? I would like to know this in particular.

What the unhappy, insolent child did to you in front of you is a provocation and without a doubt it is something that I would not tolerate today. I'm sorry but I would seek revenge. I can't stand idiots like that (it makes my blood boil just reading that this happened to you). And although you don't mention the word he said to you, I'm pretty sure what it was, how despicable.

I suppose human behavior is the same no matter what country you are in, I have experienced similar bullying situations while I was at school. People in general, the average human being, tend to look for ease in things, and I understand that they find it easier for someone else (in this case you) to take care of the cleaning, but it is because of that same reluctance, that same laziness or carelessness that we don't want to do things, that we have a world full of idiots.

I see with great anguish how hundreds of young people prefer the dopamine release of watching Tik Tok, YouTube or any other social network, before reading a good book by Honore de Balzac, Aldous Huxley or Isaac Asimov, which will surely leave them Much more than looking at a social network.

The important thing about what you say is that you realized that you can be an agent of change, but you must have a lot of patience, be tolerant and have a lot of discipline, and although I don't know you well, you give me the impression of being someone very rigid and with strong principles.

I hope that today, you continue to maintain that respect for planet Earth, because it is dying, and we are to blame for contaminating it.

 3 months ago  

Parents play a big role in building our characters and they teach us good and bad things, no doubt my parents taught me to make my environment clean but yes somehow I can give credit to myself too for starting this movement as I observed things on my own and started cleaning myself, and my environment.

Daily taking a shower habit.........
Childhood Lessons: The Sweet Lies, Savings, and Surprises!

For the words that I didn't mention, I don't want to discourage people, obviously we meet people here who love to discourage us when we start doing something. but I don't want to discourage my people by hearing those words.

Hehe, people say the first impression is the last impression I'm glad my first impression impressed you. Last but not least, I will not let this planet die, I will keep working and taking small steps to make our environment cleaner.