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RE: An Exotic Vacation Place I WANT TO VISIT (BALI) | Week 04 Edition 01

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

I mentioned before image sources are only valid for free-to-use images. The link to Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter doesn't tell about whose intellectual property it is. Just a case scenario for your explanation, what would happen if that Instagram user just deleted that account? Your links will lead to no where.

tagging @mahirabdullah

 2 years ago  

Before posting this picture, I first communicated with the owner of the Instagram account, I asked permission, and he was very happy if I promoted BALI to many people around the world.

I don't think there's anything wrong with this, unless you say it's wrong, should I delete this post?
i will do it soon, please answer.🙏

Please contact in HL discord server