in Hive Learners2 years ago

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I remember this was one of the essays we wrote in school then as instructed by our English language teachers. We were children them and most likely didn't even understand the assignment very well and just wrote all sorts of stuff.

Now, there's a much deeper understanding of the challenges faced by this country. We have lived it and lived through it. One doesn't even have to look far to realize the many ills that plague this country. Problems ranging from issues with light, light, light, education , health, availability of fuel, security, security, security, just to name a few.

If I were to be president for just one day, well, one day is probably not enough to effect any lasting change. But assuming that it could, my first port of call would be the light issue.

I believe very strongly that there is a reason the first thing God created according to the holy books is LIGHT. Really, nothing can work right if there ain't no light. People can't be productive,you stumble over anything and everything and injure yourself, literally and figuratively. There is a reason the nighttime is designated as the time that man is meant to go to sleep. Every human body ensures that by the brain producing melatonin towards the nighttime as the dark intensifies. The body recognizes that it is getting dark and there is little more that can be done if anything can be done at all.

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It is therefore appalling that in a country populated by over 200 million people, that has been dubbed the giant of Africa-even though I don't think they're worthy of the title anymore- the national power grid is currently said to be down and there is widespread power outage. Not that some areas would even feel it, seeing as they've never gotten it experienced what a stable electricity supply looks like before. The power outage is now worsened by the fact that fuel is currently very scarce and people have limited means to our their homes, devices, and businesses. There's so much more about this menace that I can't even say here so piece get redundant.
So if I were to be president for one day and could effect any change I wanted, this would be the very first thing on my list.

Next up on the agenda would be shoring up the security of this country. It is just irritating how much nonchalance the government is giving to an issue as crucial as the security of the lives and properties of the citizens who voted them into office. From the insurgency of Boko Haram, to the Fulani herdsmen, to the 4-yearly unleashing of thugs on the populace in the name of elections. The security of lives and property of the citizenry continue to hold no water with our leaders. And it is sad to see. Foreign investors are being driven away because they do not feel safe in another man's land and there isn't any light to propagate their business properly. They would have to spend millions buying petrol or diesel as the case may be, eventually leaving them with little of no profit.

Another issue I would address would be the non-payment of workers salaries! Even the Holy Bible says that "You shall give him his wages on his day before the sun sets". It says in another passage that "Do not hold back the wages of a hired man overnight". I believe this summarizes everything. I didn't even think that paying a working man or woman was supposed to be an issue until I grew up a bit more and witnessed the wickedness that breeds in the heart of the people we call leaders. Leaving their citizens that are working almost begging, and some actually begging, to survive. It's really just so hard to see!

These are the 3 things I would like to change if I ever got the chance to become president. I believe that once these 3 are fixed, other things would begin to fall into place and the economy would begin to look more like a proper economy should.

Thanks for your consistent support.


That power supply thing ehn... it is simply a topic that I have grown tired of. I have given up on it.
What I just want from the government now is for the price of commodities to come down abeg, and also for security. No more known and unknown gunmen or terrorists here and there.
Anything else, I will provide it for myself by the grace of God.
This is a beautiful post, thank you for sharing it with us.

 2 years ago  

The lack of security is part of what is causing the food prices to rise.
Farmers literally take their lives in their hands each time they go to the farms and they're collecting hazard fee from us all, among other things.
As for the power, Omo ehn. That's all I'll just say. No light in UCH for the past 3 days now. In the biggest public health facility in Nigeria.

Thanks for your nice comment.
And you're welcome

 2 years ago  

It has become a normal thing for them as people sleep without light, if you don't have a plan B, you won't probably make it in Nigeria.

I hope with you as the president, the issue of light will be resolved.

 2 years ago  

Nothing can work without light!
Even if that's the only thing an administration accomplishes well, I think they would be well appreciated.

 2 years ago  

Yeah 👍

i like the idea of electricity supply as it can bring more investors to the economy.

nice post

 2 years ago  

Thank you very much for reasoning with me

 2 years ago  

The security situation in this country is not something to be proud of. I trust you to wage the war as a president. Well written

 2 years ago  

You choose a plening that is so good for the progress of the country you lead. we do need others but when the night comes the light is the most we need, thank you for sharing

 2 years ago  

Thanks for the nice comment.
And you're welcome.
I hope that sometime I'm the future, these issues are less of a problem

 2 years ago  

will definitely happen

 2 years ago  

I have found many posts that mention "Boko Haram". are they very annoying? I'm sure you will be able to handle it.

 2 years ago  

Great ideas I believe you will make us proud if made the president

 2 years ago  

Thank you very much!
I appreciate the vote of confidence.
It's just sad that those with the ideas don't have power, and those in power don't have sensible ideas

 2 years ago  

I'm smiling already!🙂
Thank you very much for vote of confidence.
I'm just really sensitive to these issues and really wish things could be better
Maybe someday, they would. Maybe not.