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in Hive Learners2 years ago

Those images alone are great messages on their own. I had to stay and think over them again and again. Life is indeed a trial and error thing most people won't accept it that way but it is the fact. Rejection can so make someone feel as if life is a game of luck , though that is false, if we press we will succeed, I don't believe in luck. I have seen a lot of rejections and I must confess I know the pains you went through, imagine seeing your mates advancing in education but you are stuck in one place by jamb,not that you were not working as supposed but then the opposite it what you get. if one is not strong he can easily quit with that kind of experience.

I came to realize after critical analysis, that most of the things people were rejected for cost them a lot of effort to prepare. Imagine after all the effort you put in to study only to be disappointed at the end.

But I am glad, you didn't give up, you refused to take a no for an answer but instead prepare for another fight. Though it came to destroy you but you used it as an advantage to build yourself up. That is how life should be. Never give up instead go and prepare and come again. The fact that it didn't work yesterday doesn't not mean it won't today.

I hope you finally got the admission? 🥰

 2 years ago  

You get this!!!
I've had to dish out so many congratulations and frankly I think am the last woman standing.

Like, the way I studied that year, never have I ever done so before. I studied to a point that it felt odd after the exam not to read. It became so much fun. You know, when you begin to get good at solving problems, it becomes interesting. That was my case.

There's no space for giving up. The idea would never even pop up in my head.
I've not gotten the admission yet tho. A few things came to play since then😊

 2 years ago  

It is going to be alright soon dear.
This one you mentioned solving problems you must be very good at physic and mathematics then😁, I don't like those their problems, X got missing since which year, uptil now it has not been found😂.

I am glad you don't have any plans of giving up at all, not now, not later. If you keep going that way, the sky will only be your beginning.

What Happened with the admission, do you mind to share? 🙃😉🥰

 2 years ago  

You've probably been looking for X in the wrong places. Shey you used a duser to erase the problem on the board? Check the sister... X go de there. 😂😂

I don't mind sharing.
Like I wrote in the post, I wasn't admitted.
For the next year, I did quite well(obviously, not as well as I did in 2019 but enough to get me my course of choice but I was given a different course which I rejected(apparently, the school just added Medicine as a course so politics was at play... Am certain about this Sha). E fit be say they pick people wey do well pass me Sha but that wasn't the case.

And then for last year's own, I missed out on the registration due to NIN wahala.

Right now, am counting on this year. Na list I de wait for.

So my dear, na so e be😊

 2 years ago  

You've probably been looking for X in the wrong places. Shey you used a duser to erase the problem on the board? Check the sister... X go de there. 😂😂.

It was our class monitor that wiped the board, it was me oh😂 which sister? she said she doesn't know about X's where about.

don't mind sharing.
Like I wrote in the post, I wasn't admitted.
For the next year, I did quite well(obviously, not as well as I did in 2019 but enough to get me my course of choice but I was given a different course which I rejected(apparently, the school just added Medicine as a course so politics was at play... Am certain about this Sha). E fit be say they pick people wey do well pass me Sha but that wasn't the case.

Don't worry no matter what it was, that is in the past now. It is going to be better soon. Just don't stop trying.

I will be right here waiting to celebrate your admission with you, make sure you slaughter chicken.

 2 years ago  

If i give up, I lose.
For the chicken, no problem.
And thank you very much for the chit-chat. It was fun😊

 2 years ago  

Awnnn 🙈🙈! You are always welcome my dear. I should be the one thanking you for making more lively. ♥️♥️♥️ Your chicken is waiting for you dear🥰