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RE: Embracing the Responsibility of Parental Care

in Hive Learnerslast month

We can never repay our parents for the labor they did in our lives. I agree with you, they deserve our support in return but they shouldn't make it a law.

Some parents can be funny like you stated, they don't even train their children well but just keep putting high hopes pressuring the innocent young people to support them to the extend of making them do things that are unlawful just to make things right.

As parents, one needs to plan his or her life before retirement, you never can tell what life would look like tomorrow, your are children are not God, God forbid, some of them might not even be as big as you envisioned in life, so, why take chances? plan your retirement, plan your life so that you don't end up being a burden to your children someday.

 last month  

That was a great feedback.. thanks for that
It shouldn't be a law, but then we should know the right thing to do
Any parents who fails in their duties shouldn't expect heaven and earth, after all you brought the kids on earth at ur will, so why not take up ur responsibility

Children on the other hand should always stand by their parents

 last month  

That is it ma, when parents play their role well, the children will never forget them, the foolish ones might do so but the wise child will never watch his parents lack