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RE: Optimization of Hive

in Hive Learners8 months ago

You are right, especially the aspect of the inability to switch between frontends, even for oldies on hive some are not aware of the usage of some frontends.

For example it took me time to learn each frontend one by one and it is not as if I was taught by the person who invited me to hive because firstly he can't teach me everything, secondly he is also learning also so he can't teach me what he is not aware of. This wouldn't have been the case assuming those frontends are in one place.

A feedback Channel to directly communicate to the Devs of hive would be nice, we would be able to openly talk about some glitches but the thing is because hive blockchain has communities with their own frontend and interface, if you face any issue using the hive interface you can always switch to ecency, leofinanace, neoxian, vyb, proofifbrain e.t.c and this frontends have there feedback Channel, due to this people are not really concerned about it the unavailability of a direct feedback Channel to hive because they have other places to turn to.

 8 months ago  

as if I was taught by the person who invited me to hive because firstly he can't teach me everything, secondly he is also learning also so he can't teach me what he is not aware of.


What a tough time for you! It must really be tough and quite complicated during those times and that's really annoying. At least, if that switch was there am sure by then you would have just switched without even knowing what it's.

Exactly, you can't give what you don't have! And this is so true! Obviously, if the feedback feature was there users would have a means to throw their rants.

Well, I am happy that Hive is improving and upgrading and with time everything is going to be in good shape.

 8 months ago  

Hopefully it will as long as they pay attention to users feedback.