in Hive Learners2 years ago


Can money buy love? Without hesitation I will answer "yes", how much money does it take to buy love? It's relative, can love grow without money? I will also answer "Yes", can love die without money? I will also answer yes, before we must know first what love is, simply so that it can be easily understood, Love is a "Adjective" and the Traits that exists in humans can change anytime, with anything, even with money though, it's undeniable that in today's world money can almost change everything.

Love and money are two different things, but it would be better if we had both of them together, because true love also needs to be cared for and cared for, I really agree with people's opinion that love must be treated with trust and affection, I agree, but we must also be realistic because we are living beings.


Many people have succeeded in getting love with the capital of seduction, processing words so as to make the other person melt, then are there many people who are able to maintain their love without money? Of course there is, but only a small part, just look at the reality, I believe in the power of love, but I also have to dare to say that all of that can change, and can be changed, the thing that can change love besides trust is material, it's not impossible if the stomach of the person who If your love is empty then he will go and give his love to someone else.


The conclusion is, love is very easy to get, you just need to cultivate aphorisms and spread charm to the person you like, treat him well, then slowly his love will grow for you, especially if it is added with the help of money, then you don't have to wait long time. And when you have got love then affection and good treatment will not be enough, all must be balanced and realistic.

those are my views on the two things above, or money for love, if there are things that need to be straightened out it will be very interesting if we discuss them in the comments column, thank you for reading to the end.



Love could make a person strong and better. Love could make someone happy and inspired, and make decision not selfish at all. Love is sacrifice and willing to accept challenges of life.

 2 years ago  

Sarangheo dear 💝😁

 2 years ago  

true love also needs to be cared for and cared for.

On point, where loved comes money also attract. It's heartbreaking also to say that some love broke out when money run off, good day man...

 2 years ago  

Can money buy love? Without hesitation I will answer "yes"

This is just the truth. The love might be true or fake. But it can can buy love.

 2 years ago  

money will make a person feel comfortable, comfort will grow love, more or less the philosophy.

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  

This is true because in our world today, we value money now more than anything, we don't even mind doing the things that are not good just to get money and now people sell their love in exchange for wealth, money.

You're right but the whole situation itself is not okay in a way to me.

 2 years ago  

to get / maintain love we must be able to maintain trust, seasoned with affection, and at least have to have a little money for kitchen needs. at least you must be able to guarantee 3 things, the money I mean is to meet the needs of the kitchen, so the person who loves you will not starve so he will not think of leaving you.

not about wealth, and my writing is to represent men.😁

Have a nice day dear😊

 2 years ago  

I know money is needed in a relationship, but money should not be the first reason to love anyone not to say your life partner.

When there's love you and your partner will be able to understand each other and think on how to make money and if they truly put their minds on it, they will make the money but a relationship where it was bought with money, it's just a matter of time before they get tired of the relationship.

not about wealth, and my writing is to represent men.😁

Okay, I get it better now.

Have a beautiful day ahead too 🥰.

 2 years ago  

I hope we meet soon😁

 2 years ago  

That will be awesome 🤭.

 2 years ago  

We have to be practical here, love isn't longlve without money, but genuine love isn't all about the money.

 2 years ago  

true love that is willing to starve to death there is only one in a thousand, and I will not argue about that, let time will answer all, may we be among the thousand.😁

Have a great day bro

Money will surely go a long way in helping. We should not just base our entire love just on how much money a person has to spare. It is bad.
Thank you for sharing this with us.