Movies and romantic stories are my driving force in building relationships

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hello Everyone..

today I came with a happy feeling because the topic for this edition is related to my hobby which is about novels and watching movies, it would be very nice to share experiences or what effects I get after watching romantic movies.



Reading novels and watching movies are part of my hobby, even I can watch two movies at once in one night, when compared between reading novels and watching movies I am more interested in watching movies because I don't have to imagine what the scene is like, that's my reason, and after watching movies usually I am encouraged to practice it in my relationship, for example when I do something wrong, when I find an apology scene then I will try to imitate it, it might work or be less effective that's a back matter, but that's the small effect I feel, hehe .

How do I feel or get the effect after watching Romantic Movies?

Usually after watching a romantic movie I always take a moral message in it, it really affects me and the relationship I'm in, sometimes after watching a movie I try to have expectations like what I see in the movie, not infrequently I also feel disappointment because the reality was not what I saw it, and I realized that I was wrong because my expectations were too high.

Then the positive effect that I feel is when there is a scene or storyline like what I am experiencing, usually I always take positive steps like the one in the scene, because usually the ending in the film will always be good at the end of the story, and that will be input for me and at the same time become an impetus for me to take steps to do something positive for the good of my relationship.

The conclusion is..

So for the possibility that what will happen after watching a film or reading a romantic novel is that there will be two things that have an impact on the reader and the audience, including there will be a sense of disappointment because some people will hope that the relationship will be the same as in the film and the novel's story, the next possibility is, some people will find a positive message after watching or reading a romantic story and after that he managed to practice it well and succeeded.

it would be nice, be careful of your expectations for something, especially if you get too carried away with a film or novel story, it will make you disappointed, never expect your relationship to be the same as the story in the film or novel because it doesn't all stories will end with a sweet ending, as well as the story of our relationship.




Saya di kelompok yg tidak doyan nonton, kadang kasian kl istri abis nonton kayak berharap suaminya seperti di tv tv, bener kayak yg disampaikan, malah jadi kecewa karena harapan seperti di film

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Kami harap kakak mau bergabung agar nilai kurasi untuk Kakak dan blogger indonesia lainnya semakin besar :)

 2 years ago (edited) 

Hehe terimakasih banyak sudah mampir di postingan saya! #IndonesianHivers keren! Saya akan bergabung, tolong bantu arahkan saya, postingan seperti apa yang di harapkan dan kemana saya harus mendelegasikan HP saya, dan hal-hal apa lagi yang harus saya lakukan, terimakasih😊🙏 @indonesianhiver

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info yg ada gambarnya di postingan kami yg ini ya kak :

Terima kasih

 2 years ago  

Oke, saya akan mempelajarinya😊🙏 terimakasih

sama2 kak, semoga berhasil, untuk kemajuan kita bersama :)

 2 years ago  

Very interesting article
Thank you so much bro

 2 years ago  

You'r welcome, kateugon beu tiga bacut😅😁

 2 years ago  

Yes, the teachings and lessons we learn from a movie or a mainly romantic story is always something very positive.Thanks for sharing

 2 years ago  

Maybe! Thank you so much for comming😊

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That's one thing with all these romantic movies and all. They make you think that's how some things are, and it's up to you to be able to tell fact from fiction.
Thank you for sharing this with us.