When was the last time you gathered with your school alumni friends?

in Hive Learners2 years ago


When was the last time you got together with your school alumnus friends?

Hi everybody ..
Tonight I spent time with my former school alumnus friends, also attended by several people who are still solid with our friendship, where are the others? I think other friends may be busy with this harsh life, maybe they really want to get together like this, because of the urgent needs of life, maybe they can't leave their jobs, I always think positively about my best friend.

Usually we always gather like this once a year, first we make an appointment in the Whatsapp group then we gather in a place that we think is comfortable, why do we have to choose a special place? Because every time we have a meeting like this, the atmosphere will definitely break, we laugh and tell stories in a high tone of voice, we don't want to disturb other people with our presence, so we always decide to find a place that we think is suitable.



What do we usually discuss when we get together? We were just repeating past stories, we discussed silly things that we went through when we were in school, and it was very interesting, I couldn't stop laughing when they brought up ridiculous things I had done before, it looks weird, but we are very happy when remembering back about our togetherness when we were in school.



" Keep the bonds of friendship, we will live comfortably when we have many solid friends. "

 2 years ago  

Being able to meet like I used to when I was in school, it's nice to meet old friends and get together like now.😀

 2 years ago  

What's the craziest thing you've ever done at school?😅