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RE: My First Loan Experience And The Betrayal That Followed

in Hive Learnerslast month

I'm so sorry to hear about your negative experience with that loan. If I was in our shoes, I would feel so betrayed and distrustful after being deceived by someone I thought was a friend too. Having that kind of financial burden thrust upon you, through no fault of your own, must have been incredibly stressful and disruptive.

I love the fact that you strive to be an independent woman who doesn't have to depend on a spouse for everything. Maintaining that sense of self-reliance, especially when it comes to finances, is so important. You've learned the hard way that you can't always count on others to follow through, even if they seem trustworthy. I am so sorry for everything

 last month  

Thanks sis, it's all in the past now, it's just one of the hard ways we learn life's lessons.

Maintaining that sense of self-reliance, especially when it comes to finances is so important

Oh yes, it is, if only most ladies develop this mindset, only then will they begin to see their self-worth and not let their entire life be dictated by someone else.