Macrophotography: Scientific name: Criocerinae

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hello everyone,

A few days ago, i was photographing this insect. The insect was small to look at. It was reddish in color.

It is basically a leaf beetle. These are known to be harmful.

Because they destroy the leaves. I read about it in biology books when i was in college.

Its scientific name is: Criocerinae.
Kingdom: Animalia
File: Arthropod
Class: Insect
Order: Colloquial
Superfamily: Charyashmelodia
Family: Charismelide

The insect wanted to see me and run away, so i quickly took some pictures of the insect.

I really like it, i hope you like it too.

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 2 years ago  

what kind of insect is it?
i have never seen it..

 2 years ago  

I've also found insects like this, your post is good, I like it, congratulations to you.

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