Trying to make something new

in Hive Learners3 years ago

There has been a lot of meat cooking at home for a few days now which is why I left some of the meat and I kept those meats cooked and because of which I left it to cook again, it has a different taste.

Since a few days ago I saw a recipe, on a video site. So I tried to cook the new food exactly the way it was cooked there. Basically, I took the meat veggie first and then I put some different vegetables inside the fried meat so that it tastes a little different.In fact the meats were cooked before and the cooked meats are fried which is why it has a different taste and there are new vegetables added and they are mixed again with the cooked meat it really makes a different taste Which is a lot of fun to eat.
I do not know what to call this new recipe? But whatever it is, it's good to eat. Because a mixture of vegetables with fried meat, it really tastes good. And it can be eaten with almost everything. I basically ate this food with breakfast bread. I liked it.
