My wish - Forever with Us

in Hive Learners2 years ago


To have a wish is just something that everyone does once in a while and I am not an exception. I know some of our wishes can be an unrealistic thing to happen but that's why wishes are here right? I love to wish because in my imagination, I see them coming to pass. You know that feeling where you wish you have something you really want and you imagine yourself having it actually, cool yea?


I have lots of things I wish for. But the one I hold dear to my heart is to wish that I live forever with my loved ones. Okay someone might ask "why do you desire that?. Why do you wish that someone will live forever?".


Well, my dad practically died in my presence. The pain and hurt hasn't been erased from heart yet. I still see his face and his smile. I still hear his voice calling me "Nwanyioma"( means good woman). I still hear him praising me after I have served him a meal I prepared. I still hear him calling me to sing for him whilst he moves his head to the rhythm. He wasn't a good dancer but he enjoyed listening to music a lot. I was his favorite and as such was everywhere with him. That big hole in my heart caused by his absence hasn't been filled up.

Its been 3 years now since my dad left this world due to a health challenge and I know how painful it has been. This is one hurt I never ever want to have to bear again. My mummy is a beautiful woman with a heart of gold. I want to live with her forever. I want to always hold her and hug her for forever.
Everyday, I pray for her to live a long useful life. I pray not to loose her anytime soon. The heartbreak of loosing someone to death is not a funny experience. Only those who have lost a dear one will truly understand this part.


I am hoping that our creator will one day consider to extend our live span to forever but again I am wondering if the inhumane nature of man will let it happen. Will your brother,sister, uncle or aunty not be filled with envy to harm you? Will humans not see an incredible reason to harm fellow humans to covet things that they cannot afford? I am just thinking aloud.

I guess sometimes our creator let these inhumane beings to do their evil biddings because He has an eternal place of rest that is filled with peace. But how about the living with a good heart? Should they live in hurt of loosing their precious ones because of the wickedness of some men? A big question to reflect on right? Oh well, I guess not.
Because we were taught to accept whatever fate life throws to us and console ourselves with the "Let your will be done" quote from the Holy Bible.

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 2 years ago  

I am wondering if the inhumane nature of man will let it happen
I wonder o

It's sad knowing life would end one day especially the older ones in our lives and the best we can do is cherish every moment we can with them and hope for a longer and fulfilling life for them

 2 years ago  

Absolutely . cherish every moment with your love ones.

 2 years ago  

So touching, sorry for the death of your father, I understand how you feel and I know where you're driving at, It's never easy to loose a love one.

If only God will make our wishes to come true, living with our loved ones forever would be a good thing for us, then we wouldn't have to cry over anyone's death knowing fully well that you won't see that person again.

I know death is inevitable, but how I wish God will hear this one wish.

 2 years ago  

Its sad to know that you will never see someone who is so precious to you again. That hurts deeply. I wish this one wish would be granted.

 2 years ago  

Wish so too

 2 years ago  

Wow so sorry about your lost
And I pray your wish of having Mama around be granted

But imagine you living for ever, it will be more painful when your loved ones start leaving you behind.🤔🤔

Your post is awesome

 2 years ago  

If I stay with my loved ones forever it will be so cool. Knowing that we will forever be happy and never shed a tear for any loss

 2 years ago  

@khingstan thank you for reading

 2 years ago  

You're welcome 😇

 2 years ago  

This brought back a memory I have been trying to forget. My favourite grandma left in my presence too. And that was the first time I experienced such. Honestly, @joydukeson I'd wish to see and live with her forever. 😣😌😌

 2 years ago  

I understand how you felt. So sorry for your loss.
Thank you for reading

Life is just hard, that is the honest truth. It is like this one time and another way another. But who are we going to question? None of us came here with a manual, so we are trying our best.
You are being strong and I am sure your father will be proud of you. May his soul rest in peace.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

Life is cruel to the good ones. It still brings tears to people who do not deserve it.
Like you said, who do we ask? Nobody.
I miss my dad and I know he is watching me and is proud of me too.
Thank you for reading

 2 years ago  

Loved ones are one of the greatest gifts to all of us
It's beautiful to see

 2 years ago  

Gifts that should never be replaced.
Thank you for reading

 2 years ago  

I have lots of things I wish for. But the one I hold dear to my heart is to wish that I live forever with my loved ones. Okay someone might ask "why do you desire that?. Why do you wish that someone will live forever?".

Hi @joydukeson you want that because: "He has made everything beautiful in its own time. He has even put eternity in their hearts..." (Ecclesiastes 3:11) Because we were created to live forever, our own anatomy show it. And it's also a real promise, to live forever, it's not just an illusion.

En Titus 1:2 " we read: "and that it is based on the hope of eternal life that God, who cannot lie, promised long ago". Surely this brings up many other questions but without a doubt in the same Bible we can find the answers .

And knowing that it is God who promises it and not man, that gives us comfort and sure hope.

 2 years ago  

If He has promised us to live forever then why do we still die? Or do we need to die, to live again?
There are some mysteries that we cannot explain.

 2 years ago  

Si supieras que si tiene explicación. Dios puso al primer hombre y mujer, Adán y Eva en el jardín del Edén para que lo cuidaran y vivieran en paz y felices por siempre, también les dio árboles de todo tipo para que comieran con solo alargar su mano, hasta quedar satisfechos (Génesis 2:7-9) Pero solo les dijo que de uno no podían comer, y en el día que lo hicieran iban a morir (Génesis 2:16)

Él les dio todo lo hermoso y bueno y solo les pidió esa cosa. Pero ellos prefirieron creerle a un desconocido que les dijo que Dios era un mentiroso, y que al comer no morirían sino serían como él. Así que Eva comió y después le dio a su esposo (Génesis 3:1-6). De esa manera pecaron y extendieron la muerte a todos como si fuera una enfermedad hereditaria (Romanos 5:12).

Sin embargo, desde ese mismo momento Dios ideó un nuevo plan con el que se cumpliría su propósito (Génesis 3:15, Juan 3:16, Juan 17:3). Las cosas no se dieron como él pensó en un principio, y aunque su propósito no se ha cumplido aún si lo hará y muy pronto (Romanos 5:15-21). Pero esta cuestión que surgió allí en el Jardín tenía que resolverse antes. (Salmos 37:10-11, 29)

Espero que tengas un lindo día y que la esperanza que está en las escrituras realmente llegue a ser un consuelo para ti @joydukeson 🌺

 2 years ago  

Si Gracias

 2 years ago  

Reading this content, I feel like I want to repeat the momentum of spending time, playing, joking with my late grandfather. thanks for sharing.

 2 years ago  

I totally relate. I feel same way too with my late father.
Thanks for reading too

 2 years ago  

What an emotional post.
You got me moody, the pain of loosing someone so dear to the cold hands of death is what I don't wish even an enemy.

 2 years ago  

Its painful. I totally agree with you.
.thank you for reading

 2 years ago  

So much pain put into writing.
This is a well-written post.
I am deeply sorry for your loss dear friend.
Everything will definitely be fine, the pain is really very unbearable.

 2 years ago  

Thank you for your kind words

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  

Wow! The trauma you must have had at 7. You didn't even spend time with your father enough. So sorry for his demise.
Its well with us all