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RE: My wish - Forever with Us

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Wow, create content and your wish is powerful, it is not easy at all.

The heartbreak of loosing someone to death is not a funny experience. Only those who have lost a dear one will truly understand this part.
The truth is i know how it feels to lose someone you love, I lost my father at the age of 7years saw my dad corps at the age of 7 the first dead person i will see in physical life was my father it was not something good. But i had to bare it and am also sorry for your lose. About your wish, if God tarry it will come to pass. The world as we speak is filled of evil doings humans commit sin and don't feel any regret. You will live forever as long as you know your God.

 2 years ago  

Wow! The trauma you must have had at 7. You didn't even spend time with your father enough. So sorry for his demise.
Its well with us all