in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone. I hope you're all doing well. It is so nice to be part of the newbies initiative programs. A lot of us enrolled in the program, but few of us were chosen. I'm so glad to be among those that were chosen to benefit from this wonderful initiative.

I joined hive on June 01, 2022. That was about four months ago. I had nobody to guide me and tell me how things worked, so I had to do things on my own. I went from one user’s DM to another, asking them for help.

I'm thankful to those that helped me (individuals and communities), I can proudly say, I've learned a lot of things and I've also improved on my skills ever since I joined this wonderful blockchain. But even with what I've learned so far, I'm still a newbie to the hive world. I still have a lot of things to learn and that is why I enrolled in this wonderful program; I'm a newbie who is willing to learn.

Ever since I joined hive, the main things I planned to do was to improve my writing skills and grow my account. I wanted to be known by a lot of users on this blockchain. But I had just one problem; “how would I achieve these plans”. I kept thinking if my plans would remain a dream or if I’d achieve it. Yesterday’s class by @starstrings01 was such an eye-opener.

His lecture was so interesting and educational. It gave me an in-depth-knowledge and the necessary things I need to achieve my dreams. Now, I can boldly say I’m a step higher and my plans to achieve my goals will definitely come to a reality.

In this article, I’ll talk about my hive goals for the next 7 weeks and my strategies for achieving them.

What are the benefits of setting goals

Goal setting is very important. Not only in hive, but in other aspects of life. We all have goals in life. Our goals are different and the strategies we plan to achieve them are also different.

Personally, I feel the moment you sit down, think, and start setting the goals you’re already a step ahead. A step ahead to achieve your goals.

Setting goals helps you stay focused. This is one of the main importance of setting goals. I’m sure when you want to achieve your dreams, you don’t want other irrelevant things to make you lose focus. That is why it is important to set goals; it keeps you on the right path.

A big motivation. Another importance of setting goals is that it is a form of motivation. I remember there was a time in high school; It was during the exam period. I was so determined that I wrote my goals (the grade I wanted to get) on a piece of paper and pasted it on my door. So every time I see that paper, it motivates me to read and work harder. Setting your hive goals will motivate you to put in the effort and work harder.

Setting my hive goals gives me an easier way on how to achieve them. ” I have goals, but how do I want to achieve them?”, this is another reason why it is very important to set goals; not just goals, but SMART GOALS


Now that I have talked about the importance of setting goals, what are my goals? What do I want to achieve here on hive in the next 7 weeks? Just like @starstrings01 said it is important to not just set anyhow goals, but the main thing is to set SMART GOALS so in all, I’ll make sure my goals are smart and not irrelevant.


Just like starstrings said in his lecture, it is very important to grow your hive power on hive. Why? Because by doing so, we are making a name on the blockchain, and we’ll be respected too. Also growing your hive power makes it a good measure to join a curation trail. It also shows that I have been consistent and contributing greatly to the blockchain.

Presently, my Hive Power is 317.127, and by the end of this initiative by goal is to build my hive power to 600

When I joined hive newly, I read @starstrings01 post where he talked about the importance of engagement and why it is important to make quality comments and since then I’ve been trying to keep up with that. I’m ashamed to say I’ve not been very faithful to that. Although I make quality comments and interact with communities, I feel it is not enough.

One of the people I admire on the blockchain is @nkemakonam89, and one of the reasons why I admire her is that she is an engagement queen.

Presently, my total comment is 882, by the end of the program, my engagement/comment goal is to make 2500 comments.


Gaining more followers means I’m interacting well with other authors and communities. Presently, my followers are 38, by the end of this program, my hive followers goal is to have 90 followers.


Reputation shows that you’re being consistent and posting quality articles. Presently, my reputation is 62, and by the end of this program, my reputation goal is 65.


I believe in consistency; I believe consistency is a way to achieve your goals. My consistency goal is to post at least once every day. Although I have been doing this before now, I'm going to put more effort into my posts.

What strategies do I want to put in to achieve my goals

Now that I’ve talked about the importance of achieving goals, I’ve also listed my goals. How do I want to achieve them? A goal is not Smart if you don’t know or put down how you want to achieve them. To make my goals realistic and attainable, it is very important that I put down and know my strategies.


Presently, I have 317.127 HP, which means my goal is to acquire 282.873 by the end of this program. To do this I plan to make quality posts and post in the community where I’m good at. I believe consistency and quality posts are the best way to achieve this goal and that is exactly what I’m going to do.


My goal is to achieve a total of 2500 comments by the end of this program. Is that too much? Nope, I’m determined, I’ll surely achieve it.

To achieve this, my strategy is to make at least 35 comments per day. 35X 49 (7 weeks)= 1715 + 882 (my total comment presently)= 2597. That is even 97 comments more.

Okay, so how do I plan to make 35 comments a day?

10 comments in the @hive-learners community every day.
10 comments in homesteading community
5 comments in the Worklife community

5 comments in the hive pet community

And the last 5 in other communities that I’ll engage with.


Presently, I have 38 followers and I plan to achieve 90 followers. The best way to do this is to engage with other authors and make quality comments on their posts.


Your reputation increases when you get upvotes, so my strategy to achieve this is to engage well with other users so I’d be noticed and also to write quality posts and submit them in the right community.


Yes, this should come first as it is the biggest factor that can prevent me from achieving my goal. Here in my country, electricity is not stable and my area is actually worse when it comes to electricity.

If rain should fall today, the next time I should be expecting power I’m my area is after 3 or 4 days. Sometimes 1 week. Yes! It is as bad as that. But luckily, I have a gen and I think I need to buy a power bank.

My other works

I work as a gym secretary, I also work in the salon, and also as a chess instructor. I’ve been writing every day on hive even with this work, but it’d be very hard for me to manage it all. But one thing is sure; I’m determined!


My gratitude goes to the Newbies Initiative Team for this beautiful, interesting, and educational program. I know it is not easy, but with all that you are doing behind cameras; I saw a big thank you to you all.

I’m thankful to my boss, @starstrings01, @theycallmedan, @aliento team, @projectmamabg, and also, the group leader, especially my group leader, @nkemakonam89

 2 years ago  

My team member has already set a wonderful pace for the rest of us ooo

Team one members @floraada @theycallmewell @depressedfuckup @desiredlady @huzaifanaveed @seunny @ajumaa come and see.

When I first saw your reputation I didn't expect to see anything like June but to my greatest surprise it was June. That shows you must have put in so much work and while writing on your goals I saw that the fire is still burning to do more even with your consistency, in-spite of the work challenge, electricity and the rest. This is really fascinating my friend, I hope we all have a wonderful time in this initiative and achieve our goals.

 2 years ago  

Oh! Wow!
Thanks so much for this amazing comment. I really appreciate it.

The truth is, I believe in consistency. I strongly believe it is a key factor in achieving success, and that is what I've been applying ever since I joined hive.

Although I'm also proud of my growth, I still have a lot to learn.

Thanks again. ☺️

 2 years ago  

Truth be the told, the content deserves more. You are welcome anytime.
Consistency is all we have for now my friend, keep up the good work👍

 2 years ago  

Thanks again, brother.

 2 years ago  

Always welcome bro 😊

 2 years ago  

My consistent team member
Keep it up 👍😂

 2 years ago  

For real. Engagement is really sweet oo. I made 10 followers in a day. I’m following your footsteps.

 2 years ago  

Here he goes 😂😂😂👍
Super 👍🤗🥰🥰

 2 years ago  

I am glad to hear that, have a foresight and been discipline to keep in line with the set goals, no matter there challenges that may arise, we will scale through o believe

 2 years ago  

For sure 👍
This will be an awesome experience

 2 years ago  

I believe so, do take care

 2 years ago  

Thank you and you too

 2 years ago  

You are welcome, guess u had a great day, do have a sound sleep

 2 years ago  

This is so encouraging and it gives me the zeel to bring out the best in me. If a team member can acknowledge his fellow team members, it's the "power horse" I need for my speed, to achieve my goals. Thank you

 2 years ago  

Somebody is motivated oo 🤗👍
I love what I am seeing here

 2 years ago  

So motivated, I even went to upgrade my phone to 4G network to avoid network interruption. Am getting a power bank tomorrow to have full phone access.🤣

 2 years ago  

That's great 👍😃

 2 years ago  

Our leader ma
We greet you

 2 years ago  

I am happy you got motivated with this, it's fine when we play our parts in encouraging our fellows, they deserve the little we can offer

Since I can't curate the post with 20 dolls due to low hp let's help in sharing 😊

 2 years ago  

Oh dear, this is so sweet, the fact that you want to do something for me am honoured and previlaged. Together we build each other to get to the top. Thank you

 2 years ago  

It's a great privilege to have you around.
Look forward to more engaging moments with you on hive😊

 2 years ago  

Same here dear, thank you for your encouragement .

 2 years ago  

You are welcome dear 😊

 2 years ago  

I'm glad you're also motivated. Keep in mind that determination, hard work, consistency and engagement are important keys.

 2 years ago  

I wake up to be determined, motivated to achieve all my goals. It's no joke here

 2 years ago  

Very nice. See you at the top.

 2 years ago  

Before the end of 7weeks, We can only get better

 2 years ago  

That's right!
Have a nice day.

 2 years ago  

You too dear👍, enjoy the rest of your day WIN WIN all the way💯❤

 2 years ago  

Hehehe 😂😂
The guy is on fire 🔥
Honestly, I see lots of effort in him
Thanks for the compliment to your fellow team mates. I love this 👍

 2 years ago  

Really on fire ooo, lemme stay at the side to achieve small heat😂

 2 years ago  

Hehehe. Lol, brother. You're going well.

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  

You are doing so well. If you keep this pace, definitely you are going to blust

 2 years ago  

Thanks so much for stopping by, bro.

You are already onto a great start. I'm sure with this commitment and planning you will achieve your goals successfully. I'm flabbergasted by the number of comments you make. Well done bro. Need to learn from you.

I am also mapping my goals will soon publish.

 2 years ago  

Yes! I'm sure with commitment and the right attitude we can achieve our goals.

Looking forward to reading your post.

 2 years ago  

Wow 👏👏👏

@justfavour , you really did wonderfully well on this task. At first, when I saw 1478 words, I was like what's this guy talking here 😂😂, but honestly I was glued to my screen and didn't know when I read till the end.

You have set a smart goal for yourself and I can attest to your consistency in hive so far despite your other physical engagement. Your engagement so far in hive has been amazing 😍 and if you continue this way, I believe you will achieve beyond your set goals. You will look back at the end of the program and smile at this post.

Weldon 👍 and I wish you more grace and wisdom as you embark on this learning phase 👍🤗

 2 years ago  

Ahh. Nkem! This comment made me 😊 smile. I feel special right now☺️☺️. My progress on this hive has been nice because of you and others who helped me out.

Thanks do much😊.

Have a nice day.

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  

This is well laid out, it will be quite easy for you to get this done with, wishing you success at it bro

 2 years ago  

Thanks so much for stopping by, I really appreciate it.

 2 years ago  

The pleasure is mine, do have a wonderful day

 2 years ago  

That's wonderful SMART goals. With determination, focus and consistency, I am sure that you will be able to achieve all your goals and even more.

These goals help you to fulfill your daily targets and at the end of the initiative, you will be surprised and marvelled at what you have achieved.

 2 years ago  

Determination, focus, and consistency are vital keys to achieving goals.

Thanks for stopping by.

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating to @indiaunited. We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

Here are some handy links for delegations: 100HP, 250HP, 500HP, 1000HP.

Read our latest announcement post to get more information.


Please contribute to the community by upvoting this comment and posts made by @indiaunited.

 2 years ago  

Thank you @bhattg

Congratulations @justfavour! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s):

You have been a buzzy bee and published a post every day of the week.

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 2 years ago  

Thank you @hivebuzz

You are welcome @justfavour, that's with pleasure! We wish you a happy buzzy week 😊👍🐝

 2 years ago  

You have 300+ hive power,that’s amazing I believe with determination you can achieve 200+ hive power more😊

 2 years ago  

Oh! Yes! I believe too.

Thanks for stopping by.


 2 years ago  

Thanks so much for stopping by and for your contribution to this project.

 2 years ago  

There are levels to this goal thingy o. See goals! I can't wait to see you achieve all you've set out. Well-done!

 2 years ago  

Hahaha. Thanks so much for stopping by and for your amazing feedback.

 2 years ago  

Wow! You've got great goals there Favour... I believe your HP goals are attainable though challenging. If you keep up your consistency, you'll definitely achieve these goals. So, never give up 💪...

Hehe, it seems we share similar limitations in electricity... Honestly, the situation isn't funny at all but I really hope we can overcome it 🙂.

You're doing well, I wish you good luck on this journey! ❤️

 2 years ago  

Yes. With the right attitudes, I'm sure we'll be able to achieve our goals.

About electricity... Hehe. I'm not surprised.

 2 years ago  

aye aye my man, i think you have the zeal and talent to get this goals running, i have seen you and i am sure you are capable, yu just need to engage and keep on working hard and sooner than later, smile is yours, i am here rooting for yu and i am going to meet you at the top my brother...

 2 years ago  

Wow! Thanks so much, bro. We're gonna meet soon at the top.

 2 years ago  

yeah bro we meet soon at the top but for now lets rock and improve together...

 2 years ago  

Yeah bro. I like your good energy!

 2 years ago  

las las we go dey okay my oga

Great goals man! I particularly like how you distributed your comments among your active niche communities. I think that was pretty smart. You sound like a very busy person so it’ll take a lot of work to hit that 35 comments a day. But I’m sure you’ll make it. Let’s see how this journey goes:)

 2 years ago  

Yeah zoology. I'm a busy person, but I'm determined.

Thanks for stopping by.

His lecture was so interesting and educational. It gave me an in-depth-knowledge and the necessary things I need to achieve my dreams. Now, I can boldly say I’m a step higher and my plans to achieve my goals will definitely come to a reality.

I am glad that my lecture was very helpful..

By the way I like the way you broke down your goals and how you planed to achieve it. The fact that you have given yourself a number of article to engage with per day is a great start. Also, try to make sure these comments are as engaging as possible and not spam comments.

Just that I didn't see your strategy in making a total of 600 HP in 7 weeks.

 2 years ago  

Thanks so much for all you do.

Of course, I won't spam. I know how I feel when I see spammy comments on my posts.

I mentioned my strategy to achieve a total of 600 HP.

Seems I skipped it. Just saw it now.

 2 years ago  

Alright. My boss.
Enjoy the rest of your day.

 2 years ago (edited) 

In being consistent in all you set your mind to achieve, yo can definitely meet up just make sure you do as you have stated, don't let the hinderances hinder you, i do suggest you get the power bank, as buying of fuel every time can be overwhelming at times, especially if you don't have all things you are coming the gen for, see you at the top.

 2 years ago  

Oh yes! Power bank will come in handful. Thanks so much for stopping by and for your comment!

Have a nice day!

Such a comprehensive list of your goals you want to achieve and I'm amazed to see your plans in working towards it. I'm looking forward to read more from you. Good work brother. I am a bit sick at the moment, that's why I couldn't write down my goals. But, I have it planned and will be posting it soon

 2 years ago  

Oh! I'm so sorry about that. I hope you get well soon.

Looking forward to your post.

 2 years ago  

Omor you you ain't joking at all my brother 😂 and apart from electricity these your goals should be achievable. Keep on the good work my brother.

 2 years ago  

Haha. I’m really determined o!

Thanks so much for stopping by.

 2 years ago  

You are truly just favoured. We joined Hive at the same period but you are way ahead of me and I respect you for that and I can see you are ever ready to achieve your goal of 600HP and I wish you best of luck.
Your laid down strategies are interesting.

 2 years ago  

Thank you so much for your amazing comment. Consistency is the key.

Consistency is one of the goals of greatness. When we work on our goals wholeheartedly we sure going to get there.

 2 years ago  

Oh! Thanks so much bro. You also answered the questions beautifully.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  

Yes bro! I still have a lot to do.

Thanks for stopping by.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment