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RE: My experience helping me but I made a terrible mistake

in Hive Learnerslast year

Experience has so much to teach us and it's actually sad that we can't turn back the hand of time to change some of the experiences we've had.

The one about your school is fairly understandable. Many people loose focus at some point in their academic endeavor, but I'm glad you learned from that too. Hehe.

 last year  

Most of time I learned from my mistakes which means my experienced helped me in various ways.
I think I was lucky able to understand I was losing my focus and I came back from there.

 last year  

Yeah. I think that's also the case.

Some people may not have been able to notice that their academics is being affected negatively while some may notice, but they won't do anything to fix things.

In your case, you noticed the problem and you managed to fix it before it became too late.