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RE: A Wedding Guest Almost Didn't See The Couple

in Hive Learners β€’ last year

Oya come and see na... It's still in my phone πŸ™„ tatafo wire

Oya send it to me 😏

And I can't deny this in peace, wahala o

Sure 😏
The blockchain has saved what you've written....
What is written is written....
E dey for black and white

Of course, just like you in every party you're seen in

Learning from you dearie 😍😍😍

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Β last yearΒ Β 

Lol... Every of your comment is out to get me but guess what! My God pass am πŸ™„

Β last yearΒ Β 

Ahn ahn πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Why do you feel so, if not guilty conscience? 😏

Β last yearΒ Β 

Anyone you call am but my God pass am oooo