in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)


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It was months back, I was preparing for an exam, a very important and critical university exam. One that could change my results and uplift my academic pedestal.

I knew how important and critical this exam was and I took it seriously too.
I had quite a lot in my plate so I couldn't prepare on time for the exam. I started reading for the exam few days to it and I studied intensively.

The course was quite bulky and to cover it I needed to study all day. I studied really hard for the exam but couldn't really cover up everything before the exam day.

I was still reading even on the day of the exam. The exam was scheduled for 12:noon but I learnt that it was later shifted to 8:am.

My school exam time was never fixed, they always operated on what we call "African Time". "African Time" means that the time wasn't exactly as was said and would shift to a later time . Like if something was to begin at 8 o'clock , the African Time could be 8:30, 9:00 or even 10:00. This was how my school exam timing was .

Because of fear that the papers may leak out, they printed them on the day of the exams and most times the exam papers were available later than the time fixed for the exam.This was normal as it happened almost everytime.

On the morning of the day of the exam, I was still studying and trying to cover up the course. I studied till it was the official time for the exam (8 o'clock). I knew how things were done in my school so I wasn't in a rush at all. I called some friends in school and enquired about the exam. I was told that the exam coordinators were nowhere in sight and that nothing was happening at the time. My friend promised to call me when they saw the exam coordinators around.

I stayed close to school and it will take just about 10minutes to get to the exam Hall, it was enough time before they would screen everyone into the hall.
I became more relaxed and started revising what I had read. I had read so much and I was happy and confident that I was going to do well. I even lay down to rest a bit as I anticipated the call from my friend.

I had stayed for about 2 hours and didn't get a call, so I had to go see things for myself. I just felt they had cancelled the exam.

When I got close to the exam venue. I saw one of my classmates outside so I asked him about the exam. He told me that he had just finished writing and the exam would soon be over. At that point fear gripped me. I was so scared and sad. After my suffering and struggling, after studying so hard, so I may not even have a chance to write the exam.
I also thought of what forfeiting the exam would do to my school results, how it would crumble my grades and this made me even more scared.

I thought of giving up but decided to go try my luck. I was hoping and praying that they let me write something with the little time I left. I was just hoping to write something, even though little. Something that would help me not to repeat the exam.

I met the lecturer and after pleading with him,he let me write the exams. Before I could barely write anything, they had said it was time up and we needed to stop.
At that point , the fear doubled. I thought of my grades and how they would be affected. It was obvious that I was going to fail because I hadn't written anything tangible.

Things took a different turn when one of the invigilators came and asked me to submit my papers. As I was about submitting, the head lecturer came around and asked the invigilators to let me write the exam. He asked them to give me the complete time aloted for the exam and they could only take my papers when the time was up.

I was extremely happy. I became relaxed. I wrote down everything I had read. I answered all the questions and submitted my papers after I was done. I was grateful to God and I thanked my teacher too. All the fear of failing disappeared afterwards as I was confident that I would do well

This is one moment I can't still forget. I'm so happy things went the way it did.


Thanks for stopping by. I hope you found this interesting. I hope to hear your experience too. Thanks once again. God bless you

 2 years ago  

very good article you have featured. Thank you very much and I hope you are always in good condition

 2 years ago  

Thanks alot for reading. I really appreciate it. God bless you

 2 years ago  

It's normal to be afraid of exams. but don't let that fear dissolve so we can focus on completing the exams we face.

 2 years ago  

Yes, you're very correct. Thanks for stopping by. I really appreciate it

 2 years ago  

You're welcome

Wow... Some lecturers are quite good hearted. I wish we have them like this here. That was a close call for you, good a thing it worked out well for you.

Thank you for sharing this with us.