in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)


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Can you stay without your phone for a day ?. This is one question I find very hard to answer because if I say yes, I may just be lying and if I say no, it may just seem like it I am irresponsible, undisciplined and lack self-control.

"Most of what we youths do everyday, we do it with our phones. From our jobs, to studying, to research, to entertainment and even to fitness trainings. Our phone is our personal assistant."

This is the excuse most youths and teenagers give to people especially their parents when they ask us why we can't stop pressing their phones.

I'm a youth and I'm not exempted. I also make these excuses too and although these reasons are true, they're not totally true. They're not totally true because one of the major reasons why young people press their phones always is because they're always chatting.

Yes !, a lot of young people have become addicted to their phones because they always have someone they're communicating with one social media platform or the other.

Chatting in itself is not bad, It's has it own advantages.

For a shy guy like me who sometimes forgets what he planned to say or even lack the balls to say it, chatting has helped me communicate better. It has helped me express myself adequately, effectively and efficiently, especially in dealings with the female folks or superiors in my work places. If I need to say something important to someone and I fear that I may not effectively and adequately communicate to him verbally, I just get the person's number or email address or more preferably, their social media handle and send them a text. It always works perfectly plus records of our conversation are always available for reference. I can always refer and reference our texts whenever I feel I have miscommunicated or whenever a dispute or misunderstanding comes up in future.

On the other hand, Chatting has made me lazy and has contributed to making me a poor verbal communicator. My public speeking skills are so mediocre or even poor. Since I know I can always communicate via texts/chats, I have not made so much efforts in improving my public speaking ability.
Plus while chatting we use a lot of slangs and abbreviation and this is gradually ruining our ability to spell correctly. It happens so unconsciously. For people who chat a lot, you would have experienced a situation where when you're writing a formal and important document, you unconsciously write using these social media slangs and abbreviations or sometimes you find it hard to spell simple words correctly.

There are quite a lot of benefits as well as many many losses and scourges I have had from chatting but these are the most relatable and the most occuring ones.

Like I said before, chatting in itself is not a problem but it becomes a problem when it turns into an addiction. So while I try to battle and discipline myself against excessive chatting, I hope you do so too before it gets to point of no return. Remember excess of everything is bad.


Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed this.


Indeed... Anything used in excess will most likely come back to hunt us. We should do things in moderation. And the same goes for chatting.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

Thanks for stopping by. I really appreciate it