The best strategy of war is to defeat the enemy without a fight

in Hive Learners2 years ago

One of the best strategies of any war is to defeat the enemy without a fight.

We may not have seen such a war at this age and we do not expect to see it but pray that we do not have to see such a thing because the tragic war that took place in 971 in our Bangladesh we Bengalis never want such a situation to return to our Bengali soil.

But we always see different countries but there are wars they are hostile to each other fighting each other but is this really the main strategy to win the war I don't think there are many more strategies to win the war that tactics are used by the wise leaders This type of technique uses such techniques.

There is nothing better than winning if you can use your intellect to win anything. If you go to war without using bloodshed, I think this is the best way because people don't have to fight with people here. The more intelligence he has in his head, the more he will move forward.

So I think there is more to war than just looting. There are other principles of war that many may not know and those who know will never see defeat. They are always at the forefront of victory. In comparison, because they do not do any work by jumping on the enemy.

What are these nonsense now that I am doing this post for the main point now I have arranged this whole story to explain to you that there is a lot to be said about fighting not just fighting but now we have a lot of people in our daily life in our school life. But disagreements don't happen when there is a fight. At some point, a fight breaks out. In fact, I don't think it's right to do all the fights and disturbances that we do in our society. It's just that we don't fight. If I can, that is much better.

We see a lot of people in our neighborhood who we count as madmen. They will see if they go without a fight but don't start a fight. They first stop them and ask them what the problem is when they hear the whole thing Matabbar uses his brain and intellect and tries hard enough for that mess.



If he wanted to, he could have fought there too. If he had wanted to, he could have escalated the riots a little. There are some people who are provoking riots. 1911 People have the same thoughts and thoughts. Some people want to create chaos in the society, some people want to create peace and some people want the peace of the society to return. They want to be prosperous and live as brothers.

So try to stay away from evil people who say provocative things to get you on the wrong path. Walk with those who give you good intellect and help you to do good deeds.


Very good post! Thank you for writing it and sharing it here on HIVE! In a nutshell, what you have written down can be summed up as 'the art of fighting without fighting'! I adhere to peace, intellect over brutality, and the art of fighting without fighting, also given several noteworthy spiritual reasons! All the best, take care, stay safe, much health, keep up the good work here on HIVE, and have an excellent evening along with your close/dear ones! Namaste! 😊🙏

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

Whh thank you sister so fast reply you I shoked haha