My cooking today makes the family appetite🦐🍤🍛

in Hive Learners2 years ago


Hi friends, how are you I hope you are fine wherever you are, don't go anywhere just stay with me @maulidar, on this occasion I would love to share some pictures with you, namely pictures of my cooking today, I just cooking long beans and also shrimp, tempeh, it's really very delicious, have a nice day dear

Today my husband told me to buy prawns because he wanted to eat prawns, the prawns also look very fresh, this will be delicious when eating them later, and my husband told me to cook them with long beans like what I had made for him, so I took for me to clean first and peel the head and skin, after clean I give salt to seep in the shrimp.

And I had to go to my garden because I wanted to pick long beans there, because I thought why should I buy it if it was in my own garden and it was very fresh, and I went there not far from my village and I was also accompanied by my husband , because I did not dare to come there alone because of the forest so I was afraid to be alone.

After that I went home, and bought other necessities such as tempeh, green chilies, tomatoes and also tauco if I sliced ​​chilies and long beans, cut the tempeh and all the ingredients I needed for my cooking it would taste good, and that's how I cook today, it's very delicious, my husband or son will definitely add more to eat, I'm also happy to see my family likes my cooking, and I also like to cook for them, they are everything to me.







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Thanks you
