One Wish? Can I Rob The Bottle Already!!!

in Hive Learners2 years ago

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In a time when I was just living life as it comes, watching the world on TV and reading about them online. A time when I just wake up to go about my normal routine, trying to make money and live better. A time when I keep wishing and praying but had to wait for God's time.

In such a time, a genie comes to me in a mysterious way. I was alone and planning my next day when I tried cleaning an old bottle my mum had kept safe for a long time and a genie came out of it.


The genie gave me a chance to make just one wish and I had less than a few minutes to make the wish. I must say I got into a long thought with so many ideas of what I would want my one wish to be.

I wanted to wish to have more money, or maybe have so much knowledge that I won't have to go to school anymore or maybe have more than a whale account on Hive to support a lot of people and project.

But then... My one wish is a simple wish which I would want to come true... I want to travel the world without worries of how to get the money for travel expenses.


I've come to love this hobby of mine so much but yet to get the opportunity to explore on it... Traveling. I love to see new places, meet new people and experience new life. Making this one wish would make that a reality for me.


I want to travel to all the beautiful countries in the world, take pictures of the people, the statutes, the foods, the beaches, the playgrounds and every other amazing places in every country.

Traveling around would also mean getting to meet celebrities, great ones especially those I'm a big fan with and I would take so many pictures with them to keep those memories.


One thing I love most about traveling is learning about new recipes and tasting new meals. I love food a lot so I'm surely going to eat all I can on my world tour.

Sometimes I hate to say I have a favourite food because I feel like I haven't tasted all the delicacies to have a favourite already. My world tour will help me make a better decision on what my favourite food would be even though I know it will be difficult to decide.


Getting to live without worries and changing my environment at anytime will be really amazing and this wish is just the right one for me. I'll get to see all the Hivers I've been waiting to see someday, I'll make impact around the world with my voice if I get the chance and most of all, I'll have memories to keep.

I really do hope my wish comes true with or without a genie because it is one of my life dreams and I believe it would come true no matter how long it would take.

Thanks for reading!!!

All gifs used were gotten from

 2 years ago  

It's good that you're so much interested in what will clear your worries entirely..
Tourism is a very good one too and I admire the point you said without getting the money or the expenses..
The world will really be a better place if our wishes come true 🥰🥰
Thanks for sharing 💞💜

 2 years ago  

Indeed, so let's hope our wishes come true 😊

 2 years ago  

Yeah... Can we be friends?
A follow back will be appreciated 🙏🙏🙏💞

Traveling is always fun, but when you have a lot of money with you.
This is a good wish because even I would love to travel the world as well. One place I would really love to go to in the future is South Korea... I just love that place😁
We can only keep hoping life has so much more in store for us.

 2 years ago  

Oh my goodness! Did I just meet my Co kdrama lover 😂 I didn't add the first country I would love to visit because I've said it too many times on my previous posts but South Korea is my number one for sure 😎

I love their movies a lot. Although I prefer their action movies, not the romance.
South Korea will surely be a beautiful place to visit.

 2 years ago  

I love any genre of their movies so long I'll see those handsome and beautiful faces, the foods, their sign of respect and many more... I'm in 🤗🤭

I hope we get to visit there someday 😎

I hope😂

 2 years ago  

This would be super amazing to do
Over 150 countries..just exploring

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  

Minister of tourism @merit.ahama

But it would be a fun adventure When your wish do come true because i believe it will . so cheers to an amazing adventure in advance 🥂

 2 years ago  

Thanks dear, I'm surely going to have so much fun with the adventure 😊

 2 years ago  

Traveling is fun, and traveling with having no worries about where the money would come from is something I would love too.

I hope your wish come true🙂

 2 years ago  

Amen o
It's nor bad if someone have such a wish come true for her 😁

 2 years ago  

I think we almost have the same wish, sometime I wish to eat from every part of the world. Really I wish I could go on and on

 2 years ago  

Haha... I guess we would have to plan a trip for just tasting different foods 😂

 2 years ago  

You too like enjoyment..

 2 years ago  


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