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RE: Your Anger is Valid

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Oh my darling fellow traveler

I have TONS to moan about re the non education system!

And how it destroys curiosity and creativity!

And how it pathologizes anything that doesn't stay quiet and do its bidding.

And how it's medicating kids to ...

Well. We will talk more for sure.

We were lucky! We were, at least, allowed to rebel in the 80s. It was a rite of passage!

Kids today can't put a toe out of line. Diagnosed and medicated if you say no to big brother these days

They get you early!


For. Sure! We have lots to chat about and I'd love to hear more about you.

And I will ;)


I couldn't agree more about how difficult it is for today's children. The industry found a very lucrative business transforming what a normal child needs to do, which is jumping, running, screaming, into a "disease".

What saddens me the most is that many of the parents are delighted and looking forward to "pill time" so that they can be "left alone". I have heard it literally like that in a case close to me: why did they beget them if they bother them afterwards?

Yes, we'll leave the conversation. Just for now, hehe. 😉

Okay... I'm just getting warmed up now.

I think I may have found my platform 👍

Yep! It's the parents who are too busy to heal themselves... and the trauma gets passed on to the kids and the parents are mostly relieved to avoid dealing with it and drugging their offspring

This riles me BIGTIME.

Ignorance, cowardice and outright laziness

And the medical industry is profiting off it big time

Utter bastards.


Let's go 👍🤓

  • working out a plan

You will do it!! And I will support you. 💪

Thank you :)

many voices are far more easily heard. I've been shouting into the wind now for almost 4 years... perhaps it's time to talk about it some more <3