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RE: The phase of life determines the responsibility of a parent & a child.

in Hive Learnerslast month

Talking about the people that worked with your dad on that particular site, i have someone who is currently doing such a work and i told him about airdrops but he told me he would choose doing such a work than to waste his time on mining airdrop.

some of them, it was as a result of what they dont know but am glad you are preparing for the old age not minding your children.

the world has really changed and every man for himself. i hope it changes soon and we start looking after ourselves. not just because of entitlement mentality but because of genuine love.

 last month  

The thing about people doing such jobs is they don't no any better and it takes a lot of effort to convince them to get involved in something they are not familiar with, you and I both know that a lot of people still consider making money online as a scam.

Yes, you are right.

i just hope he gets to know on time.