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RE: Conquering Introvert Anxiety! Lpud Session Included

in Hive Learnerslast month

Like princess, I can't imagine myself being scared of stepping out.. like seriously? That was a big fear that caged u inside and refused to let go completely even now. If not, tell me why you haven't break out of your indoor nature😌
Well you are coming up now but not enough..babe, step out.. mingle with people, no one will harm you, just play safe this looter😜

 last month  

Motivational speaker 😒

 last month  

Avoid me Grandpa

 last month  

Never 😊

 last month  


 last month  

Hahaha. You are already an extrovert from the beginning and I can't imagine staying indoors and enjoying it. Lol
If someone tie you, you will cut the rope 😂😂
Yes, I am going out now even though I don't like mingling with people except those I know.

 last month  

Haha 😂
I will cut the rope oo 😂
No doubt

 last month  

😆😆 I know na