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RE: Inked Intimacy

in Hive Learners3 months ago

How DARE they?? Those pesky mice!!

Hold up, though. You have a BOX of old letters?? Wow. That's impressive. I don't think I still have all the letters I have gotten. I wasn't that much of a keeper growing up.

As you described the "essence of the writer in their handwriting," I was taken back in time to that moment I got the letter from my first crush. It did feel like I had a part of her in my hands back then.

I wonder if I can ask: Did you both send letters between yourselves, and do you still do even after 30 years? I'm so CURIOUS.

Someday, I'll pick a few days to think about a few people dear to me and write them things. I'll send photos, but I'll get the letters to them some day. I think it's good practice we should bring back.


YES... i still do handwritten letters! they are SOOOO important to me.

When Pen and Sam came on the trip to Panama to see me... I sent them away with handwritten cards telling them how much the trip meant to me.

Sam also had one for me hehehe