in Hive Learners4 months ago

Hello beautiful people. We know there are those who want to sound woke that both genders are equal, however, let's be clear, there is no gender equality in responsibility and natural makeup.

I believe that people should be treated fairly and with respect everyday irrespective of their gender. There should be equality in Reciprocity, Understanding, Opportunities, and Respect.


There is a school of thought which posits: "Everyone has their role to play." Let's use the basic setting or unit of the society which is the family; man, woman and child or children as the case may be.

In this intricate setting, the man is the leader, protector and provider. He leads with decisions, with character development, tackling the day to day and future preparations, providing financially to pay rent, school fees, put food on the table and making sure all necessities are available, he is there emotionally, spiritually and physically. His presence cannot be overemphasized.

The woman is the caretaker and support structure of the home. This includes turning the raw materials in the home to cooked food, the day to day running, cleaning, maintenance of the home, the husband and children, creating timely reminders and filling up the gaps and space where the man can't, ordering supplies and sometimes being the financial controller or auditor as well.

Neither of these outweigh the other in any way.

When you see just one person shouldering these, you will see how cumbersome it can be for them. Both party coming together to make it work is the key to a smoothly operating family.

Paying the bills is definitely not a child's play as they are never ending, bills keep going up everyday and whoever says bills are a joke has never had to work in his life. Maybe just had everything handed out or relying on some inheritance.

Taking care of the home is not a joke either, the bigger the house and the more the occupants, the more the work triples. It is a full time job that eats up a lot of time when done properly and even with help, it can still be a daunting task.

For both of these roles, you will have to make sacrifices, your personal time will get robbed, you will lose sleep, you will have to give it your all to make it really worth it in the end.

The truth is, a man can do a woman's job and yes, a woman can also do a man's job. But they are better suited to each, however, with a little compromises, love, understanding and mutual co-operation from both sides, they can decide to share in each other's duties to help out where they can and relieve the stress in the duties and role.
