in Hive Learners2 months ago

Hello beautiful people. Let's make something very clear: You cannot give a dog something meant for your child because you know that dog will not value it.

Imagine giving a bone to your child, and giving meat to your dog, that clearly shows you don't know know who deserves what and why. Children will appreciate the meat given to them, you cannot expect to receive things from God as a child when you do not value what has been given to you before.

It's true that you are his child and he values you bit do you value what has been given to you? Are you showing accountability and responsibility? Without you as a son, others who are aligned with you who should benefit from you may not get anything.

God loves giving the right things to the right people who deserve them. As a son, you are the determinant factor in what you get to receive, there may be two sons but they will not receive the same things.
God always reserves the best for all of us, be it in marriage, in academics, finances and so on, he will jealously guard it so that we do not waste it, he will groom us up so that when he eventually hands that over to us, we will not mess it up. You have to be committed to resourcefulness, you have to be committed to making good use of all you are given, no wastes, no misuse.

You take care of your health, you take care of your family with the available resources while you wait for more.

There are many things we need to do for our generation and if we do not equip ourselves and use the resources we have been given, it will be dormant or wasted.

Do not allow your life to just mean nothing and those whose destinies are attached to yours are waiting for you to manifest. Don't be like a dog, just lying there, having no purpose, having no direction and always waiting for the next time crumbs will fall from the table.

You must make it a priority that you do not joke with this at all, if you do, it will not end well, you must strengthen your values, rise from the place of complacency and defeat procrastination and delays, get going now with what you have, and more will be made available to you. That's your duty.



Yes you have understood this very well wrote, lending one's child and giving meat to others does not fit. Because you must have this plan, you should think that real happiness is obtained by giving the food or the thing that is used to it to those who need it. I also think that JT should be given to whoever deserves it.

 2 months ago  

You're very correct. Thanks for reading through.