Limiting phone use, during family time!

in Hive Learnerslast month

Hi, there!


In a family that consists father, mother, children, and other related members are assigned rules and responsibilities. In a family like this, parents are demanded to put away some behavior and focus on their children.

In this technology age, parents are overwhelmed by their phones over family matters. They see their phones as their priority over the children.
As a husband and a wife, some responsibilities need to be carried out for a smooth and healthy family. Children are imitators, and they are smart naturally. What they see the parents doing, is what they do.


Mores, you wake up in the morning swerving on the social media platforms, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram, and probably, your children are in the bedroom with you. What do you think when those children will do? They will copy you.

Parents should set good examples for their children as they learn this principle and grow up with them.

This scenario I saw with my optical eyes. It was just a visit to the family, I didn't know why the wife was obsessed with that kind of attitude. She would wake up in the early hours of the day and leave her husband to the parlor chatting with her friends, I wouldn't know the kind of friends she was entangling with, and that would make her neglect her responsibility as a wife and a mother.

I thought she was praying over the family and making plans on how to make a family itinerary for the day. But she failed that day, and that day wasn't accomplished by her as a mother. Leaving everything in the house hostile, the children weren't in control, and her husband who understood her character looked at her dropped money on the table, and went away. She was still on her phone.

Furthermore, limiting phone use, during family time is very essential and it creates an impact on the family members, peace, and well-being of the family members.

Family is divine and should be handled the way God wants it to be.

Let's look into these narrations

Husband and wife


Marriage wasn't established and instituted by men but by God. If a husband fails to see his wife as the priority, he is bound to fail. Marriages fail today because of social media platforms. If you have issues with your wife or husband instead of settling the issue with your spouse, you are going on social media to seek solutions that might not be true, it can ruin your marriage the more.


Smartphones are good but when it comes to that moment, you need to limit your phone for better communication. Marriages are no longer sweet because they don't know how to make use of it wisely. Limiting phone usage during fun time with a spouse is a sign of love, respect, and honor for each other. Creating catchy memories together without phones.

Wives, your husbands need your attention and respect, and husbands, your wives need your love, support, and care. Therefore, keep your phones aside to avoid issues.

Parents and children


Parents determine the future of their children, laying a good foundation by giving them attention, knowing what drives them, and teaching them the ways of God and the principles of life - good living to themselves first before others. This could be achieved by limiting phone use. Allowing them to feel your presence as parents, creating time to talk about family history, gaming activity, cooking a delicious meal together, and sharing dreams and goals as a family that brings fruitful results. These ambitions as parents towards your children could be accomplished by putting away social media platforms to mold them in this perspective.

There are lots to do with children, especially time and attention that must be given to shape their future.


Overall, during family time, phones should be banned and should be implemented as a law not to use phones during family together, from parents to the children and every member of the house.

Family is a big responsibility and should be properly taken care of.

This is in response to the hive learner's contest.

Thank you for reading through my post.

I love, I care, and I forgive!

I remain @peckypeace

 last month (edited) 

If we want our family to bond well, then we must commune with our more and limit the usage of phone.

Imagine the situation of the lady obsessed with her phone, had the husband not beeb understanding it would have ruined the family.

Although I don't buy the idea of banning it, due to important information we might miss during such period.

 last month  

Phone usage has caused a lot of damage to marriages, so it is high time we emphasize this for our fathers, mothers, and children to learn. Thank you for reading.