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RE: My First Loan Experience And The Betrayal That Followed

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Sorry about you experience dear
I have a similar experience, my first year in school, money I got for my books, then someone who I thought was my friend said he was having a hard time and his parents cared only about his twin, after much pleading I gave him 10,000naira to pay me back in 2weeks
Lol after 2weeks he told me that his friend took his phone and asked most of his contacts for money as a way of revenge.
I felt very stupid cause I was sure we had several calls even vid calls but he denied everything.
I can never forget that experience.since 2019 I haven't seen the money

 2 months ago  

people can be so wicked, imagine the kind of lie told by this very one, sorry you had to face such too.

Thank you dear ☺️
We just have to hope that we'll never meet people like that again