The midnight doctor

in Hive Learnerslast month

Before the English medicine was introduced to us, we Africans relied on herbal drugs to help cure our illnesses and even after the English medicine was introduced to us, we still rely on these herbal drugs from time to time because most of us believe that nothing works better than something gotten from mother nature.

Photo by Annie Spratt

It is also believed that some of these herbal drugs sellers engage in certain form of traditional worship, something some of you might call voodoo or black magic in other to help these herbal drugs work better. I didn't believe that part until I saw it for myself some few years ago when I had gone to this shop to drink a cup of herbal drugs, that was my last time there but it wasn't the last time I consumed herbal medicine.

Earlier today, a different lady who also sells herbal medicine in my street had brought it to my hostel and a bunch of us guys had stepped out to patronise her. Although I wasn't feeling ill and didn't feel a need to buy from her, I had done it anyway just in case there was some sort of sickness (mostly malaria) hiding somewhere inside me, so that it could go kill it.

But while we all stood there talking and just having a good time while the lady sold her stuff, I randomly remembered many years ago in lagos, when myself and my family used to be a frequent customer of this particular lady who sold herbal drugs. But you see, one thing that was different about this lady and other people who sold the same thing was the time she sold hers.

This woman (an elderly woman at that) only came out at midnight every night, right when my mom was about closing her shop. And I don't know why we didn't think anything of it at the time but seeing something like that, especially something that is constantly affiliated with black magic at that ungodly hour should have raised some sort of suspicion within my family, because over here, we so much believe in witchcraft and all of those black magic stuff but for some reason, no one cared.

All we really cared about was the fact that her herbal drugs were really active and worked like magic. I know that because I drank a lot of it when I was ill then. I just hope that all those years ago, we weren't buying herbal drugs from some sort of witch or something like that but even if she was a witch, then she probably would be a good witch, right? Seeing how all she did (or all we know she did) was sell herbal drugs to us to help us get better.

 last month  

Selling only at night (same time other businesses are closing) it sounds pretty suspicious but since that was a long time ago and it didn't disturb you, you have nothing to worry.
Regardless of the source, it's already in the past or isn't it?

 29 days ago  

Well I guess you're right.. It is in the past

 last month  

Herbal drugs can be beneficial for us but in recent time the use of herbal drugs reduced a lot. The good thing of it is no side effect or less side effect. But I never heard it has any kind of relation with any kind of black magic or something else.

 29 days ago  

Well over here, they seem to mix the two together.

After all the money you pissed away on Richard Heart's latest crypto scam it's not like you could afford legitimate medical treatment anyway.