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RE: I'm Not One To Quit - That's A Lie!

in Hive Learners • 2 years ago

You said you quit sugar but you only limit the excess na 😂😂 Well, I don´t want to cause vawulence here. So, let me agree with you that you did quit to an extent. Lol

You did the right thing and that shows that you value yourself and your family and not stay despite those abusive words because of the pay you want to keep getting.

Some bosses just act like fools sometimes because they are in the position and that makes them feel they can do whatever they like. No! I had rather stop enjoying those benefits than hurt my emotions more.

 2 years ago  

Ehen thank you for agreeing with me on the sugar matter 😂

Don't mind those set of Bosses, be acting like they have no one superior to them (My God 😌)