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RE: Embracing the Responsibility of Parental Care

in Hive Learnerslast month

Some parents would give birth to many children with the aim that they will have those who will take care of them by force when they grow old. Some of them use children as their investment portfolio and you see them pressuring their children to go out to look for money anyhow, they are less concerned. These ones only destroys the lives of their children.

Yes, no matter what the culture is about caring for our ageing parents, I know it is the right thing for me to do because they deserve to be taken care of for their efforts on us too. Parents shouldn't mandate on a child to care for them because if they don't know, they would not see him or her around them.

 last month  

Some people needs training before birthing otherwise they miss the main purpose of giving children. It's a shame to know the mentality of some parents

However, parents too shouldn't mandate children to take responsibilities..if they train us well, we should be responsible enough to do the needful

 last month  

Exactly 💯 I have witnessed a bad mother who never got visited by her children till she died recently in my village. This woman suffered at her old age and when she died, I was happy because she has gone from such suffering and agony. No child came to take care of her or even thought of bringing her over to the city.
When a parent is good, children will always want to take care of him or her.