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RE: I'm Not One To Quit - That's A Lie!

in Hive Learnerslast year

Well your sugar intake is not a problem but when it tends to get excessive it becomes a problem for you and it's good you minimized it..

I feel the same way too, I don't work in a threatening environment, it tends to demoralize my self esteem and at the end everything I do end up the wrong way,I think it was best you quitted...

Your smile and freedom is your priority don't let anybody take it away from you dear 😘❤️😘

 last year  

Awww for once, his comment is normal 😂
Thanks for this inspiring comment, I'm motivated 🤣

 last year  

Look at this one again, I am trying to be Abdulqudus not foxy now but you are pushing me lol 🤣🤣🤣...

I am serious with my new year resolutions and this is one of it lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣

 last year  

Oh new year resolution that will nor last till January ending 😂

 last year  

Okay let's see, @hopestylist please come and get her from here please oh